There are several articles on the Internet which put forth
the idea that FEMA intends to withhold money from states which don’t sign on to
the premise of man made global warming.
They use the updated term, Climate Change; but their religion of man
made harm to Mother Earth continues as the foundation of their faith.
Frank Minero’s piece, Sorry Rick Scott, Admit Climate Change Is Real Or Florida Loses $100 + In FEMA Funding, caught my attention as it contained some rather inflammatory
“They’ll need to think long and hard on this one. The stakes
are high. If they stick with their ignorant,
anti-science rhetoric, they stand to lose millions in federal aid.”
(emphasis added)
Would someone define ‘anti-science rhetoric’? Doesn’t Minero mean folks who won’t fall for
junk science substituted for real science and the political agenda associated
with the Church
of Man Made Global Warming?
At one time science
was the search for truth regardless of where that path led; but we live in a
time when political agendas foretell results and computer generated models
validate theories without the need for actual or authentic data, how convenient!
Minero does a touchdown
dance at the end zone of his article proving that Climate
Change ‘science’ is nothing more than a political hoax.
“Here’s a list of the eighteen offending states: Alabama, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho,
Indiana, Iowa,
Kentucky, Mississippi,
Missouri, Montana,
Nevada, New Mexico,
North Dakota, Oklahoma,
Tennessee, South Dakota
and Wyoming.
Not surprisingly, most of the anti-science policy comes from red states.
This is great news for the
people living in red states. Now petty politics and greed won’t doom them to the absolute
worst consequences of climate change.”
(again, emphasis added)
you voted for the Democrat/Socialist/Communist (interchangeable) agenda of man
made global warming then we will reward you with taxpayer (a politically incorrect
term to be replaced with ‘people’) funding of FEMA programs.
on the other hand, you require proof of this unsettled science, which is
nothing more than a shake down scheme to redistribute wealth, then we will use
the power of media to ridicule your pathetic attempts to stave off being robbed
in order to advance the liberal agenda.
mind that actual scientific findings prove the IPCC report as having been
considerably flawed, to the extent that it might have been a total
fabrication. Never mind that the World’s top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just Quarter what we thought –and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong.
that, the global warming ‘estimates’ were off by around 75%! The data fed into computer models
used to twist the arms of law makers in order to bring about a United Nations
one world government isn’t accurate.
Flipping a coin would give better results; at least that way you’d be
right half the time.
that isn’t enough, Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace recently shot down the Climate Change hoax when he addressed
the Senate committee charged with coming up with legislation to combat global
“There is no scientific proof that human emissions of
carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s
atmosphere over the past 100 years,” he said as he explained, “he left the
group when it became more interested in politics than the environment.”
It would
appear the anti-science rhetoric being spread around has been by the
environmental alarmists.
This article has been cross posted to
The Moral Liberal, a publication whose banner reads, “Defending The
Judeo-Christian Ethic, Limited Government, & The American Constitution”.