The words we speak are important, what we hold sacred and what we will
defend, even until death if required. If we raise our arm to the square
we are taking a solemn oath, considerably more than just lip service (someone
please pass this information along to our elected and appointed
representatives). Our sacred honor is at stake as we declare our words
are true, not only to our fellow citizens; but with God. There is never a time when Pledges, Oaths and
Testimonies are to be treated lightly.
Some years back a document was signed wherein grievances
against the King of England were listed along with a formal Declaration of Independence. As with most
important documents, those who signed it were testifying of its truthfulness,
no different than if they’d been standing in a court of law bearing witness to
those present; except in this case these men were bearing witness to the entire
Perhaps that’s why they finished with these words, words
that mean much as I consider, …each man signed with full knowledge, … the
serious nature of such a declaration…
“…And for the support of this
Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other
our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
I mention testimonies and sacred honor as they play a
significant role for those beginning a course of study this year, the Book of
Mormon. In Sunday School we prepared by
reading from the Introduction where two documents worth mentioning are kept for
good reason; the Testimony of Eight Witnesses and the Testimony of Three Witnesses.
Testimony of Eight Witnesses
"Be it known unto all nations,
kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom this work shall come: That Joseph
Smith, Jun., the translator of this work, has shown unto us the plates of which
hath been spoken, which have the appearance of gold; and as many of the leaves
as the said Smith has translated we did handle with our hands; and we also saw
the engravings thereon, all of which has the appearance of ancient work, and of
curious workmanship. And this we bear record with words of soberness, that the
said Smith has shown unto us, for we have seen and hefted, and know of a surety
that the said Smith has got the plates of which we have spoken. And we give our
names unto the world, to witness unto the world that which we have seen. And we
lie not, God bearing witness of it."

These were bold statements which could not be
taken lightly. Having held the metal
plates containing an ancient language that Joseph Smith was to translate and
which would go out into the world, a world filled with skeptics; they didn’t
claim to understand what had been written on those gold plates, only that
plates from which the Book of Mormon sprang physically existed. These witnesses knew many would be reluctant
to accept additional scripture, even more would reject the Book of Mormon
completely; that said they willingly signed their names.
An ancient prophet recorded the Lord’s foreknowledge of skeptics in our day regarding the Book of Mormon…
“And because my words shall hiss
forth—many of the Gentiles shall say: A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible,
and there cannot be any more Bible.”
As you continue to read the rest of that chapter; the presumption
being you will continue reading, it becomes clear the Lord has shared and will
continue to share his words with other children who have been scattered while
He blesses the seed of Abraham as promised.
The second document, the Testimony of Three Witnesses is
both a physical and a spiritual affidavit of importance for all God’s
children. These individuals were
witnessing the restoration of the gospel for this, the Final Dispensation.
They had seen an angel of the Lord present before
them the Book of Mormon plates, explain, at least in part, the information
provided on those plates and; perhaps more importantly, they were commanded by
God to act as witnesses to what they had been privileged to observe regardless
of what consequences the world would see fit to impose.
When you think about raising your arm to the square and
testifying, the full impact of your testimony comes into play. Not only are you swearing before your equals,
your fellow men; but you are standing at the feet of God who knows the truth of
all things. What’s at stake? Only your sacred honor; Heaven help those who
bear false witness.
A friend of mine, Russ Parker, temporarily lost his wallet
the other day. Other than being
concerned for the possibility of having to replace his drivers license and
credit cards he’d also lost several items of personal value contained therein;
treasures of wisdom if you will, that he reads on a daily basis to motivate and
support him.
He showed the wallet which he’d later found along with a scrap
of paper with one of the treasures of wisdom which I’ll share. It’s a short quote from Ezra Taft Benson’s General Conference talk given October, 1986.

With that I challenge you to obtain the truths contained
within the Book of Mormon, that you might hunger and thirst after those words and find life in
greater and greater abundance. I add my
testimony that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that Joseph Smith is/was
the Prophet of God chosen to bring forth the restoration of the gospel in our
day. On my sacred honor, and in the name
of Jesus Christ, Amen.
This article has been cross posted to
The Moral Liberal, a publication whose banner reads, “Defending The
Judeo-Christian Ethic, Limited Government, & The American Constitution”.