I nodded in agreement as we reviewed how silly it would be
to have an open umbrella in the house since its purpose was to keep rain from
falling on us. I looked up at the
ceiling and explained how blessed we were to have a roof over our heads to
protect us from the rain. London looked
thoughtfully at the ceiling and smiled.
It’s also nice to have a house for when it gets cold
outside; again she smiled and pretended to hug herself as if being warmed by an
imaginary heater. And in the summer we
have air conditioning to keep us comfortable too.
London may have taken these conveniences for granted up
until this moment; but as she considered the light rain falling outside, that
she was enjoying the comforts provided by the house which she lived in, gratitude
for all these blessings was evident by the look on her face.
May we all have a similar moment of appreciation for what ever
blessings have been provided in our lives.
If you watch much television, the advertisements tend to
make a mockery of Thanksgiving; a not so subtle way of redirecting our
thoughts. Instead of getting down on our
knees and thanking the Lord we’re being desensitized and programmed into
accepting this time of year as a spending orgy, a chance to prove we have more
money than brains as we go about going into debt for items we really can’t
Black Friday with its door buster sales has, for far too
many folks, become more important than sitting around the dinner table with
family in quiet thanks for what has been provided and prepared.
This nation was founded under the direction of wise
individuals who understood our relationship with God, Creator of all we have,
to include Life, Liberty
and the Pursuit of Happiness. Our
blessings come from above and we are showered with them in great abundance;
consider what we have been given, not what you don’t have.
is correct, you shouldn’t open your umbrella in the house, let God’s blessings
fall all around you and be grateful, truly grateful; that’s why we celebrate
This article has been cross posted to
The Moral Liberal, a publication whose banner reads, “Defending The
Judeo-Christian Ethic, Limited Government, & The American Constitution”.