The purpose of our trip was to scatter my father’s ashes, a
gesture of respect which gave us closure, much as having a formal funeral puts
a period at the end of a sentence.
The funeral home supplied a TSA approved urn made of nicely
polished wood containing dad’s cremated ashes along with an official letter
issued by the State of Texas
for permission to transport human remains.
We showed up earlier than normal to avoid complications
should the urn not pass TSA check point guidelines as advised. We were told that his urn would be considered
‘carry on luggage’; dwell on that for a moment.
We’d placed the urn in a blue plastic bag from Sketchers shoe store so
as not to alarm folks at the airport.
Thinking of dad as ‘carry on luggage’ made me smile, a morbid
sense of humor that a retired night shift cop would find amusing. At least we didn’t have to purchase a ticket
and put a seat belt around the urn.
The folks at the TSA check point ran the urn through their
X-ray machine twice and then took several swabs with chemically treated patches
to make sure it didn’t contain bomb making substances. Dad passed (actually he ‘passed’ back in
October) and we placed him in the overhead luggage compartment without
Dad’s Pastor volunteered the use of his boat as he ferried my
sister and her husband along with my wife and me to the same location where
mom’s ashes had been scattered last August.
We had an informal burial service and for all practical purposes we’d
accomplished our mission.
But that’s not why I’m writing…
TSA flagged my wife’s carry on luggage; something raised
suspicion as it went through the X-ray machine.
We were herded over to a steel table where they went though every inch
of it. A coin purse had too many
quarters which prevented them from figuring out what it was.

Let’s just say some folks find essential oils help and leave
it at that. I use essential oils rather
than drugs ‘Big Pharma’ and pill pushing doctors want me to use.
The TSA threw my perfectly good Thirty Dollar tube of Deep
Blue Rub in the trash… It was half an
ounce over their arbitrarily determined limit for liquids making it suspect for
bomb making material used by terrorists to blow up an airplane.
Neither my wife nor I fit the profile of Islamic Terrorists;
but common sense got thrown in the trash can along with profiling individuals. 99 % of terrorism is carried out by
followers of Islam; but that other 1%... just might be us.
It’s part of being Politically Correct so as not to
antagonize Muslims who’ve already declared war on Western Civilization,
promising to either enslave or murder us at their discretion.
I suggested that one solution would be for me to squeeze out
half of the tube in the trash thereby saving me fifteen dollars worth of Deep
Blue Rub; it would, after all be well under the three and one half ounce
arbitrarily arrived at limit.
“We’re not permitted to do that. You’ll have to throw it all in the
trash”. My wife reminded me that
boarding the airplane was a better idea than going to prison so I permitted the
veins in my neck to remain swollen until we’d passed by the TSA folks.
Has anyone considered the absurdity of what I’ve pointed
The 4th Amendment reads:
The right of the people to be secure
in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches
and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon
probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing
the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
The 4th Amendment was written specifically to
prevent government officials from conducting searches without probable cause or
search warrants. I felt violated because
my right to be secure from an unreasonable search and seizure was ignored…; but
it was for my own good and the security of our nation, Spit!
The courts have interpreted the language of our Founders to
mean anything they damn well want it to mean as individual rights and the
constitution have been thrown into the trash can of obscurity where it lies crumpled
and bruised.
I’ve heard Deep Blue Rub is good for bruises…
This article has been cross posted to The Self Educated American, a
publication whose banner reads, “Standing Fast By the Judeo-Christian Heritage,
Limited Government and the U.S.