Thursday, July 23, 2020

Sharing an Important Message

You might recall a wonderful black and white movie from the early 1950s, The Day the Earth Stood Still, with Michael Rennie playing the part of Klaatu, an extra-terrestrial humanoid type being who came to visit Earth.  Don’t confuse this movie with the environmental alarmist garbage movie made in 2008 that had the same title.

After circling the globe at phenomenal speeds (bear in mind that in 1951 when this movie was made 4,000 mph was considered beyond our capabilities), everyone was glued to their broadcast radio station headed toward the Mall in Washington, D.C..  In its day the movie captured the imagination and praise of movie goers

As the movie unfolded, the alien’s spaceship having landed with media outlets covering the event along with most every available military unit on hand ‘just in case’ the alien wasn’t friendly…where was I…  Oh, yes, there appeared an opening in the spacecraft as a ramp presented itself to everyone’s unified gasp of hysteria.  Every weapon in the Army was trained on the alien as he ventured onto the ramp holding some unknown object out from his body.

Ka-blam!  A shot rang out striking the object and injuring the alien visitor.  The soldier who fired the shot was simply too frightened of the circumstances and accidentally pulled the trigger.  He’d been told all his life to be afraid of the unknown and his reaction almost got the alien killed.  The object that he’d been holding was an interstellar encyclopedia, for lack of a better term, a means of understanding the mysteries of the universe that mankind had been seeking ever since leaving the safety of the cave.

It’s been a long time since viewing that movie so I can’t remember exactly how the scene was presented or the order it was shown; however, Klaatu looked at the destroyed object and remarked how important that item was, how it was intended to help all mankind.  There was a look of disappointment on his face that said more than words could express.

Why do I bring this scene of an old Sci-fi movie up today?  Good thing you asked; I was about to explain that.

Yesterday I posted a comment on a friend’s Facebook page that contained my testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon being the word of God.  Instead of thanking me for sharing something personal and of great spiritual value; the comment was erased, as if it had never been shared. 

There was no explanation given, no text message asking me to buzz off, no reply to my email inquiring what happened.  My first thought was of anger; but that quickly changed to one of sadness.  I’d offered something that had been in the making for thousands of years and protected by the Lord Himself to be brought forth in our day; but instead of learning or reaching out to accept the gift it was tossed away like an unwanted Kleenex.

While watering the garden this afternoon, back in the recesses of my mind came the image of Klaatu looking at the object which had been destroyed, the galactic encyclopedia of science secrets that had been prepared for all the Earth. 

The loss of information doesn’t have to be permanent; but for now it is unavailable to anyone who doesn’t see the value of a gift, much less a gift from an old friend.  Perhaps one day…

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

There Can Be Only One

I keep up with the discussions put on by Christian groups as they consider various doctrines which they believe to be from our Savior, Jesus Christ; or on the other side of that same coin, illusions created by men in order to persuade and mislead.  Not wishing to upset those wonderful discussions I chose to simply acknowledge that I’d visited rather than leave a comment.

My long time friend Bob started off a discussion this morning, “A couple of days ago I shared an article entitled The Death Rattle of Consumer Christianity. The main point of the article was that God was allowing certain practices in the American Church to die so that a renewed Church could be birthed. I’ve also noticed on the Christian blogosphere a lot of talk about the attempt by politically motivated individuals to create a new “world order”. I believe these two things have a common goal. Both are an attempt to reign supreme over the earth. One is legitimate, the other a fraud.”

We are in agreement as there can be only one legitimate world government, the one that has the Lord, Jesus Christ at its head; any other would be a fraud, exactly as my friend has suggested. 

The “New World Order” which many propose as a solution to the petty sovereignty issues, immigration and general disorder created by having so many independent nations is in fact a step backwards for all mankind.  The elitists who wish to run this socialistic order have omitted God as the source of all powers, eliminating the need for inalienable individual rights which spring from Him. 

Instead, those in positions of government would take the place of God, their handing out privileges and entitlements to whomever they decide should receive them.  There would be no need for constitutional protection of so called “rights” because there wouldn’t be any.

Going back to Bob’s opening remarks, “…God was allowing certain practices in the American Church to die so that a renewed Church could be birthed.”  I found this intriguing, so much so that it was the reason for joining this discussion; knowing full well my boldness would not be appreciated or welcomed by many.

“The renewed Church could be birthed.”, and that is exactly what has occurred.  The nations of the earth were all too corrupted for the establishment of the Lord’s Church which is why it was necessary for America to become a nation.  Not a nation owing allegiance to any earthly King; rather, a nation built on the foundations set forth in scripture, eternal laws and principles.  Only in such a country could the Lord set in motion the necessary fertile soil that would permit His Church to be renewed.

If you’ll read our founding documents, The Declaration of Independence and our Constitution containing the Bill of Rights, it becomes more apparent that the Lord’s hand guided our founders thoughts in establishing the ground work that would permit the freedoms necessary for religious zeal to abound.  The Great Enlightenment period with so many individuals desiring to know which denomination to join, which preacher to listen to was part of the Lord’s plan, not to have these denominations “die”; rather for these denomination which held important parts of the gospel to help usher in the Fullness of the Gospel as found in the one true Church.

Ahhhh, this is where my remarks begin to annoy some folks. They don’t want to hear about the restoration that has already taken place or that that restoration continues to take place even as I write.  “Blasphemy”, they cry while turning up their noses at such a preposterous claim.

Consider if you will those in Jerusalem at the time Jesus Christ walked the earth.  How many of them scoffed at the idea that He was the Son of God, the Chosen One of whom the Prophets in the scriptures testified would come to save us all?   Did they not crucify the Savior of the world looking off into the future for that illusive Savior?  Are they looking still?

I testify that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the restored Church, the only one which has been established with the authority to act in His name.  It is the structure and government which will be used by the Lord when he returns to this earth.

The Book of Mormon is the word of God, translated for the benefit of the entire world, not just for those who happen to live in America.  It is another witness of the divinity of Jesus Christ being the Son of God, our Eternal Father.  It was written as a companion of scripture to validate what is found in the Bible and those who take the time to read these important books can have the Spirit testify of this truth.

I leave this testimony with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.