Saturday, March 08, 2025

The U-Haul Game


Some of you might be wondering, “The U-Haul Game, what’s that?”  It’s a game we made up when our kids were young to keep them entertained on road trips.  When I was young the game was associated with the Volkswagen Beetle.  The first person to say they’d seen a “Bug” got the point. 

I saw this photograph of a U-Haul truck sometime back but didn't notice who to give credit for it. That reminded me to write down this short item.

Prior to that game we had a similar one we played while on the way to Jones Beach on Long Island. There’s a red brick obelisk that we’d look for as we approached the beach.  From our vantage point in the back seat of my parent’s car we’d intently pay attention for a chance to be the first to shout, “I see the tower”. 

In the movie, The Count of Monte Cristo, there was a medal of honor bestowed upon the hero of the day, “Kings to you”.  There’s probably a variation of this game that goes back in time prior to recorded history, parents figuring out how to keep their kids occupied. “I see the volcano erupting”, might have been said by some kid buried under the ash in Pompei.

Getting back to the U-Haul game, at the time we started this nonsense I did locksmith work for the U-Haul companies in and around the Houston area.  I’d rekey the doors of one of their outlets if a manager quit or got fired. If a customer lost the keys to a rental unit I’d go out and make a replacement key. 

When we, as a family, went on road trips, spotting a U-Haul truck or van became something of interest, even to our kids.  They might not have understood that U-Haul was partly responsible for our being able to afford a road trip; but they knew there was something about seeing a U-Haul on the road made me smile.

Being retired, my locksmith days are long gone. Our kids have all grown up and so Lucy and are empty nesters. For some reason, the game goes on.  We’ll drive into Houston on I-45, paying attention for road hazards or something that draws our interest, a beautiful sunrise, mist hanging in the trees off to the side of the freeway; or a single U-Haul coming from the other direction.

“U-Haul!”, the words landed on my ears.  I was raising my hand to point out the prize; however, as is often the case, Lucy had seen it first, so she got the point.  Imagine that, two old fogies getting excited about a silly U-Haul truck going down the freeway.