If Mr. Rogers were still on television each afternoon,
taking his Cardigan sweater out of the closet, putting on his slippers and
greeting all the little children; one of the words he’d highlight for an entire
episode would be, Sustainability. Mr.
Rogers has already gone to great lengths to share a message about re-cycling so
that empty soda cans don’t end up in the trash, cautioned kids to be friendly
to Mother Earth and the importance of being mindful of others.
But the word Sustainability is the new order of the
(On a side note, looking at the book cover, my first thought
was to a frightening novel, Lord of the Flies; images of young boys running wild through the jungle as they sought
the Conch Shell of power; killing, if necessary, anyone who got in the way.)

There was an Earth Day promotion waiting for me as I went
through my email, a reminder from Turner Publishing that everyone needs to do
their part. I’m so glad to know that a
company owned and operated by Jane “Traitor and Communist Sympathizer ” Fonda’s
husband Ted wants to enlist everyone’s help in pushing forward a new world
order as outlined in the United Nation’s Agenda 21.
“Celebrating Earth Day has put all of
us at Turner Publishing in the “environmentally-friendly” mood. How have you
been “green” this year? We recently started recycling in our office after
evaluating how much paper we were throwing away each week! Maybe we should all
start this week by picking one thing we will change in our routine that
leads to a greener environment? Maybe...
Recycle all of the paper in your office
or home
· Choose paper over plastic at the
grocery store
· Eliminate air pollution by carpooling
more often or riding your bike instead of driving
· Stop buying plastic Keurig coffee cups
and use a reusable cartridge!
You can be the one
person to make a simple change and inspire others to do the same! Be the change
and be green”
between the lines, a favorite past time, were the words, “Be Sustainable,
Comrade, or Else!” Some folks can’t see
the warning; but I can assure you, it’s there.
Take for example the newly discovered powers of the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which now cover how long a shower you can
take. The University of Tulsa
has been given a grant to develop a device which can be fitted easily to any
hotel shower head to monitor how much water is used.
“EPA deputy press secretary Laura Allen issued a statement
to the Free Beacon clarifying that “EPA is not monitoring how much time hotel
guests spend in the shower" and said that the marketplace “will decide if
there is a demand for this type of technology. It’s ultimately up to hotels to
use technology like the monitors being developed at the University of Tulsa.”’
If that’s true, and finding any part of the Obama
administration capable of speaking the truth might be more difficult than
finding the Holy Grail…but if that’s true, then why mention a target limit of 7
minutes per shower in the title of the article?
We’ve seen a pattern of deceitfulness from the Obama
administration. “If you like your health
insurance plan you can keep it”, “If you
like your primary care doctor you can keep your primary care doctor” and one of
my favorites, “The Benghazi attack on our embassy was caused by a rogue video that
enraged Muslims”.
The EPA recently mandated (more than a mild suggestion),
mandated ruther restrictions on wood burning stoves regarding “the level of
fine airborne particulate emissions that wood-burning stoves can emit, from 15
micrograms per cubic meter to a maximum of 12 micrograms.”
“The EPA restrictions would ban the production and sale of the kinds of wood-burning stoves that compose 80 percent of those currently in use in the United States, Forbes reported.”
You might recall one of Obama’s
campaign objectives during his run for the Oval Office back in 2008, “If
somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can, it’s just that it will
bankrupt them.” (Originally that was to
have read, Obama’s campaign promises; but word check won’t let me put Obama and
Promise in the same sentence)
“In 2012, the
Obama EPA issued its “new source performance standard” that effectively made it
impossible to build new coal-fired power plants, because no technology exists
that would enable utilities to meet the new standards. At the time, the head of
EPA’s air office, Gina McCarthy, assured the public that existing plants would
not have to meet the new standard and that EPA was not promoting
fuel-switching. Less than a year after McCarthy’s solemn promise, however, the
following sentence appears on page 19 of Obama’s Climate Action Plan: “Going
forward, we will promote fuel-switching from coal to gas for electricity
production and encourage the development for a global market for gas.”’
When I read that the EPA is studying
how to monitor how much water is wasted while someone takes a shower, flushes a
toilet, turns on a CFL light bulb because incandescent bulbs have been
outlawed, heats their house above 72 degrees or cools it below 78 degrees…let’s
just say I’m skeptical when they say they have no intention of mandating that
On to victory as we celebrate Earth
Day. Remember, Comrade, Be Sustainable –
or else!
This article has been cross posted to The Moral Liberal, a publication whose banner reads, “Defending The
Judeo-Christian Ethic, Limited Government, & The American Constitution”.