It seems I annoyed a
couple of tender souls on Facebook by posting a joke that didn’t pass their
Politically Correct test. There isn’t
much can be done for folks who have no tolerance for anything other than total
compliance with Political Correctness and my trying to explain this to them is
like…here we go again, another opportunity to annoy and alienate…trying to
explain this to them is like trying to teach pigs how to sing.
As the famous Sci-fi
author Robert Heinlein pointed out, “Never
try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.”
Over the years that line about teaching pigs to sing
became quite popular as a means of explaining wasted efforts. In more recent times the Politically Correct
portion of our society has taken umbrage with the line, turning it into a
direct insult on those who are unable to understand the principle involved in
time management or humor.
I recall inserting Heilein’s quote in a discussion with
some leftists who started off a discussion with the intent of getting their
feelings hurt. I obliged them and they
got their feelings hurt, imagine that…
This morning I watched a fascinating short video of a
young boy playing with a large Manta Ray, an innocent moment where two of God’s
creatures were able to enjoy each other’s presence. The video’s audio led me to believe the
conversations in the background were in Spanish; could be some other language
that sounds like Spanish, not really an issue since the video itself would
appeal to anyone speaking any languge.
My warped sense of humor often permits an odd thought to
ramble and so I left the following comment; as a joke and not intending to
provoke anything other than a mild groan from anyone stumbling upon it.
If you’re wondering…the stingray also speaks Spanish. How do I know this? Hadn’t you noticed….just another wetback.
You’d have thought I called Mohammed a pedophile and drawn
a picture of him molesting young children prior to slitting their throats and
leaving them to drown in their own blood simply because they’d been
Instead of seeing a crude joke brought out by the fact
that the Manta Ray did indeed have a wet back…Noooooo; this was a deeply
insulting remark intended to anger illegal aliens, those poor wretches living
south of our border.
Here is the short story that accompanied the video:
This boy has
developed such a trust and friendship with the most unusual creature.
He is able to
pet the creature and feed it out of his hand, and even introduce it to his
friends. The creature
hangs out and waits for the boy when interruptions take time away from each other. The creature
is a stingray. The largest sting ray is a manta ray, which can exceed 20 feet
wide and weigh up to 3,000 pounds. This ray is not a manta ray. Some sting
rays have a poisonous stinger that is used defensively when threatened. Humans
are most often stung when the inadvertently step on a sting ray while walking
in shallow water. Hint: while wading where sting rays are known to exist,
shuffle your feet through the sand to avoid stepping on one and getting stung.
Here is a transcription of the comment section:
T.F. Stern If
you're wondering...the Stingray also speaks Spanish. How do I know this? Hadn't
you noticed....just another wetback.
Juan Ozuna Sr. Was
you're stupid comment really necessary !?!? Idiot !!!
T.F. Stern Juan,
get a sense of humor before entering the Facebook community; you'll have a lot
more fun.
Thomas Kotkowski TF
Stern, racist commentary is never funny no matter who makes it or the platform
used to push the hate.
How is it that you find derogatory comments like that funny?
I have a good sense of humor sir and your comment was disgusting and demeaning
to many people. Therefore not so not funny or intelligent.
Educate yourself to the word before you use it. That would make Facebook a lot
less ignorant.
"Wetback is a derogatory term used in the United
States for illegal foreigners, most commonly Mexican and
Central American nationals, especially to those who have illegal immigration
status in the U.S."
T.F. Stern Thomas,
I grew up in a different era, one where folks didn't have to be politically
correct, shove it where the sun don't shine. If you don't like my sense of humor
then move along.
Thomas Kotkowski Hey
The Tea Party, I am a Tea Party supporter and solid capital "C"
This type of nonsense destroys the message and allows the false narrative of
the Tea Party being racist to be advanced by Liberals.
I urge you to pay attention to some of the ignorant commentary on this page and
correct and or refute it so it can do no damage to the Party.
We have enough issues without compounding them by allowing blatant racist
comments to go unchecked.
Thomas Kotkowski TF
Stern I grew up in America
where folks respect each other regardless of who they were.
You are a racist pig that does not represent me or the Tea Party that I
Racist comments are racist PC has nothing to do with it.
In fact I will also report your ignorant comment to Facebook.
You sir are pathetic.
T.F. Stern Thomas,
So what you're saying, as a staunch conservative who would never in any way
suppress another individual's free speech or impose your own limited set of
values on anyone, that kind of staunch conservative who could easily be
mistaken for a leftist or statist who lacks tolerance for any opinion which
doesn't fit perfectly with his'd like to silence anyone who doesn't
agree with your politically correctness, your inability to overlook any
unsavory sense of humor. I feel sorry for you; but worse, you fall into the
category of modern censorship which is destroying freedom. Take a hike.
Thomas Kotkowski So
your racist comment is my fault?
Yup nice try but you made the racist statement not me.

T.F. Stern Thomas,
I take it you're not going to vote for me when I run for office...
T.F. Stern Thomas,
What I did was make a joke. If you didn't like it then don't laugh. If you
disagree with my sense of humor then ignore me. What you're attempting to do is
become an internet censor, denying anyone a chance to express a thought because
YOU find it offensive.
Thomas Kotkowski TF
Stern, what you did was make a racist comment, attempting to be funny, by using
a racist term that is offensive to many folks in America.
You seem to be bright yet not bright enough to see how ignorant your comment
Racism and racist commentary is never funny. period.
T.F. Stern Thomas,
All your vitriol reminds me of Sam the Eagle from the old Muppet show. If there
was a way to post that image here in this comment thread I would...
Thomas Kotkowski We
wonder why the Tea Party is portrayed, in the Liberal media, as being
Look at your attempt at "humor" and ask yourself how you could ever
think that was funny.
Juan Ozuna Sr. Its
all good tough brotha Thomas Kotkowski, yes im of Mexican decent, but a PROUD U.S.
ARMY VETERAN 100% AMERICAN FIRST, more american than this racist POS...

Now add to this wonderful exchange of thoughts a couple of
entries that are on Facebook
Juan Ozuna Sr. doesn’t have any problem posting an image of the White woman, Rachel
Dolezal, caught pretending to be Black, all the while holding down a
position of leadership in the NAACP.
Isn’t that rich? But I'm the racist...
And then there’s Thomas Kotkowski’s Facebook entry which
slanders a goodly portion of the world’s population who happen to be Muslim;
but then who cares, they’re Muslims…child raping, child murdering, child
marrying Muslims so they’re okay to hold up to ridicule.
So I now award Juan Ozuna Sr. and Thomas Kotkowski the
Muppet Show’s ‘Sam the Eagle Award’ for making sure nothing is said that might
offend anyone.
Good Day!