While visiting my father, holding his aging
hand as we watched some insignificant golf show on the television, I noticed
his fingers were a bit discolored as his circulatory system no longer functioned
at peak efficiency. It’s just a guess; but you could bet the farm the fingerprints on his hands would be the
same ones he’s had since birth, the same ones he had when he signed up with the
Navy in WWII and the same ones he’ll have when he meets St. Peter on the other
side of the veil.
Some where in Washington,
as the singer Arlo Guthrie would point out in his tune, Alice’s Restaurant, there’s a
study in black and white of his fingerprints…
These identifying marks don’t change all that much over time so it’s
beyond my thought process as to why the State of Texas considers it necessary, requiring
locksmiths to furnish a fresh set of these prints simply to renew a license... a license which has that very same set of fingerprints already tied to it and filed away
collecting dust.
About the only thing such a requirement does is add $25.00
to the cost of doing business for each and every locksmith while accomplishing
absolutely nothing towards the State of Texas’ goal, “protection of the public through fair and impartial regulation of
the Private Investigations and Private Security Industry”
Then there’s the requirement of another complete and thorough
background check in order to maintain an already issued locksmith license; that
bothers me too. Actually, the veins in
my neck are pulsing and may explode while thinking about this.

If someone can explain why the State of Texas
considers locksmiths…locksmiths who’ve already been fingerprinted, had their
background checked six ways to Sunday and then issued a license…if someone can
explain why the State of Texas
considers locksmiths a threat or danger to the public... Could you hand me my blood pressure medicine; those veins are swelling some more.
Yesterday I received an email from the DPS/PSB letting me know my latest renewal efforts were finally accepted and that my
pocket sized wallet card would be sent in a timely manner.
Do you see why the updated renewal process bothers me?
This article has been cross posted to
The Moral Liberal, a publication whose banner reads, “Defending The
Judeo-Christian Ethic, Limited Government, & The American Constitution”.
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