Thursday, December 21, 2023

Max Might be a Shepherd Dog

Yesterday we loaded up a box with plates of homemade Christmas Cookies to share with friends living in the Centerville, Texas area near our property.  We started off with Ron and Norma Jeanne Fillmore since they live the farthest.  We had a great time chatting, paying attention to their dog who was demanding attention.  Then, on the way back towards Centerville we stopped at Sister Haven’s property, then at Sister Webb’s office.  Mike and Su Wallrath were the last we could visit there in Centerville, having spent the morning and much of the afternoon delivering cookies.

We then turned the truck towards those who live within a mile or so from our property.  As we drove past the entrance to our property we noticed our neighbor’s dog, Max, sitting by the gate.  Max likes to make sure we park properly, leading us joyfully down the driveway; but we didn’t turn into the driveway, instead we headed to the Jackson’s house.

I should mention, the Jackson’s are Max’s actual family; but Max has dual citizenship, not sure what else to call it since Max likes living under our roof too. When we pulled onto the Jackson’s property, there was Max sitting under the carport; he’d taken a shortcut by cutting across the acreage that separates our properties.  We visited with the Jacksons and then drove, as if to go home; but instead turned the other direction towards the Nells and James’ property.

Max first started to head to our place; but it was almost funny watching him try to figure out what we were doing.  Maybe he thought we were lost; but he made sure to keep up with our meanderings as we pulled into the next driveway to visit Dennis James and deliver another plate of cookies.

On the way back towards our property we noticed the younger Jackson family had just arrived home, so we stopped to visit there too.  Max sat at the edge of their driveway, frustrated once again with our inability to find home.

Lastly, we headed past our property to check the mailbox and see if the Clarks had gotten home.  We got lucky and were able to deliver their cookies as well.  No mail in the box, so we headed back as if to go home; but we noticed the gate to the Finley’s property was open, something that indicated they were available to visit.

Max sat on the road while we visited with Tammy, going over local issues about the dumpster company that kept adding charges to the monthly fees we’d already paid in advance for the entire year.  We agreed that the dumpster company had lost us as a customer.

Max must have given up on us as we watched him slowly walk down the road headed to our property.  About twenty minutes later, having finished our visits for the day, Max greeted us at the edge of our property as he energetically pranced in front of the truck, making sure I followed to where my old truck normally sits next to Lucy’s car.

If Max were a person who kept a diary, an interesting thought, it would be fun to read yesterday’s entry.  “The Stern’s got lost several times; but they finally were able to get home with my help.”

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