Wednesday, September 18, 2024

That Must Have Been Exciting


I went to plug my cellphone onto the charging cable a while ago and noticed some damage near the end of the cable where it’s supposed to attach to the base of the phone.  Upon studying the cable a little closer it became evident that the damage had been caused by one of the cats chewing into the cable.

So, that would explain why, two days ago, my nightstand had been moved over.  I’d found my cellphone on the floor next to the nightstand but thought I must have accidentally knocked it down during the night.  It would also explain why the other end of the charging cable,  the end that plugs into the outlet, why it had been pulled away from the outlet just enough to where it no longer made contact with the outlet.  At the time I pushed the charging unit back in and made sure the cable was connected properly, never considered that an event had occurred. 

I’m only guessing; but one of the cats must have tried to chew on the charging cable and got bit by electricity, enough to throw the phone to the floor, dislodge the charging cable from the phone and at the same time pull the cable away from the outlet.  While trying to escape, she pushed the nightstand a couple of inches away from where it normally rests. 

Which of our kitties lost one of its nine lives?  I’ll probably never know; but I bet she leaves my cellphone alone from now on.

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