Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Diversity and Tolerance

A leading headline this week has to do with Julea Ward, a student expelled from Eastern Michigan University’s graduate student counseling program because she held to her Christian belief that homosexuality was not moral. I guess this falls into the lefts all encompassing “diversity and tolerance” unless that diversity and tolerance has to include Christian values.

“The university contended she violated school policy and the American Counseling Association code of ethics.”

U.S. District Judge George Caram Steeh didn’t agree with the lawsuit filed by Julea Ward; instead finding for Eastern Michigan University and upholding the expulsion. Jeremy Tedesco, legal counsel for the conservative Alliance Defense Fund said, “It’s a very dangerous precedent”, the court’s decision “upholding an extremely broad and vague university speech code”.

God’s laws are restrictive and not conducive to many activities condoned by a diverse segment of our morally bankrupt society. Is it any wonder that an institution run by the left would find Christian values incompatible?

The American Counseling Association’s stated mission is to “enhance the quality of life in society by promoting the development of professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession, and using the profession and practice of counseling to promote respect for human dignity and diversity”.

It might have been a momentary flux on my computer’s monitor; but the word “diversity” appeared to make the whole sentence sag, as if it out weighed everything else. We must have diversity; nothing humans do can be judged as sinful because there is no sin. Those who claim there is a God are mean spirited and make people feel bad.

“… if there was no law given against sin men would not be afraid to sin.” Alma 42:20

There are many who claim the time for America to call itself a Christian nation has passed, that we’ve risen intellectually and have no need for such a crutch. This is what happens to a nation when it lowers its standards in order to be diverse and tolerant.

This article has been cross posted to The Moral Liberal , a publication whose banner reads, “Defending The Judeo-Christian Ethic, Limited Government, & The American Constitution”.


The probligo said...

"She was removed from the school’s counseling program last year because she refused to counsel homosexual clients."

That is no different from me losing my job because I refused to join my employer's Scientology sect.

It is no different to a Catholic College refusing to employ me because I am not Catholic.

In this instance, she WAS employed, but refused to do part of her job.

TF, what would you do if an employee of yours (I know you do not have any, but please can I propose the hypothetical?) refused to follow your instructions? Let's say that you had a hard and fast rule about not having atheist clients, and then finding out that your employee had fixed a lock for the ol' probligo?

Anonymous said...
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T. F. Stern said...

Blogger 吳淑芬吳淑芬, Spam is not welcome in the comment section so quit putting links to half naked pictures of your sister, wife and mother.

T. F. Stern said...

Probligo, I'll ignore your line of thought and instead point out the real issue here. The left has taken control of the accreditation process in such a way as to write the qualifications so that only folks who fit the leftist mold can work in that profession; it’s that simple. Christians will not be permitted into that particular field or they will have to become closet Christians and hide their true beliefs. This is just one more example of how the planks of the communist agenda are being followed in order to alter the course of America. They have secured the public schools all the way up through our universities, filling key positions in order to churn out the leftist agenda.

T. F. Stern said...

MK, There is a silver lining to the dark clouds which hang over America. Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone of the First Quorum of the Seventy wrote on the topic of America’s constitution being dependent on the character, integrity and the principles of truth of each generation of Latter Day Saints. There is hope based on the fact that plenty of young people are prepared to do what needs to be done in order to save the constitution from those who have dishonored their elected and appointed positions in government.

The talk, “These Are Not Men to Be Conquered”, was printed in The New Era magazine, April 1980 if you would like to read it. Here’s the URL:

MathewK said...

"There is hope based on the fact that plenty of young people are prepared to do what needs to be done in order to save the constitution from those who have dishonored their elected and appointed positions in government."

I hope so TF, it is their future after all.

The probligo said...

"...I'll ignore your line of thought..."

As usual; and the question remains.

Until then, just keep listening to your pet galah. Obviously you think he makes more sense... ROFL

"This is what happens to a nation when it lowers its standards in order to be diverse and tolerant. "

So, you agree that INtolerance and HOMOgeneity are the principles of Christianity? SROFL

T. F. Stern said...

Probligo, At one time your comments were welcome; this is no longer true.