The FBI and Secret Service initiated the arrest of Brandon J
Raub after he posted politically incorrect comments on the internet. You wouldn’t know about this incident by
watching the large news media outlets since it’s only being discussed on places
like Facebook and within the blogging community; wonder why that is? I actually looked for a report from any large
news outlet using “Marine Brandon Raub” as key search words and could find
nothing on the first several pages of Google other than blogger entries; the Huffington Post being about the largest contributor, and I’m not a big fan of the
“Police – acting under a state law
that allows emergency, temporary psychiatric commitments upon the
recommendation of a mental health professional – took Raub to the John Randolph
Medical Center
in Hopewell. He
was not charged with any crime.”
From what I’ve read, and I’m not alone on this, Raub’s
postings weren’t much different than many other concerned citizens
who’ve been paying attention to the manner in which our government is being run
into the ground at the expense of individual liberties and trampling God given
rights supposedly protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. His arrest constitutes a form of tyranny
usually associated with third world dictators trying to silence their
opposition; being arrested for physiological reasons was a favorite tactic
under Joseph Stalin, or more recently, 200,000 political prisoners held in North
Korean gulags.
The late Kim Jong Il had an
explanation, he said, “… punishing the enemies of the state, protects
the North Korean people’s human rights.”
These are children of
folks kept in “protective custody” because their parents didn’t like the way
Kim Jong Il treated the people of North Korea; clearly they’re a
threat just as Brandon Raub needed to be held under protective custody for
voicing his political opinions on Facebook.
John Whitehead, a lawyer for The Rutherford Institute,
represented Raub at a hearing held to determine Raub’s competency and mental state. Here is where Americans need to pay attention
as Whitehead encapsulated a concern which affects everyone.
“For government officials to not
only arrest Brandon Raub for doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment
rights but to actually force him to undergo psychological evaluations and
detain him against his will goes against every constitutional principle this
country was founded upon,” Whitehead said.
“The big concern, Whitehead said,
is whether government officials are monitoring citizens’ private Facebook pages
and detaining people with whom they disagree.”
Most of us are familiar with the old black and white movie, Miracle
on 34th Street. Kris
Kringle challenged the abilities of Macy’s employee psychologist and was
incarcerated in the local mental hospital under the charge he was a danger to
himself and the general public simply because Kris believed himself to be Santa
His lawyer and friend went to the mental hospital to get him
released; but since the State had determined Kris to be a danger to himself and
others nothing could be done short of completing the court’s drawn out
processes. It only took a neurotic self
absorbed psychologist, an obliging prosecutor and a compliant judge to have
Santa Claus removed from society.
Kris tried to make sense of what had happened as he
explained, “…but I’m in here and he’s out there”; hum, not much different than
what Brandon Raub might be saying as he sits in a mental institution against
his will.
It would seem our government
is testing the waters, seeing just how far beyond constitutional restraints
they can go before enough citizens call them on it; much the way TSA and
Homeland Security have trampled on the 4th Amendment with
unwarranted searches. We now have the FBI and Secret Service agents kidnapping
law abiding individuals who speak their minds in opposition to a tyrannical
The drive by media is in the pocket of big government so you
won’t hear them clamoring for justice in behalf of Brandon Raub; that will be up to the blogging
community and civic minded folks like The Rutherford Institute. I never thought I’d see the day when an
American citizen was arrested for his/her political rantings; that’s just
This article has been cross posted to
The Moral Liberal, a publication whose banner reads, “Defending The
Judeo-Christian Ethic, Limited Government, & The American Constitution”.
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