Monday, March 19, 2007

Morality Battle Lines Being Drawn

Last week I wrote an article, Immorality Emboldened (linked via title bar), in which I stood behind General Pace’s statement regarding his opinion that homosexual acts and adultery are immoral and should be used to determine who can serve in the military. Sunday, on the front page of the Houston Chronicle’s Outlook section, the battle lines from the immoral were drawn more clearly as they ran an op-ed piece, “What does it mean to be moral?” The declarative summary was issued by Nathaniel Frank, and as the credit reads, “Frank is senior research fellow at the Michael D. Palm Center at the University of California, Santa Barbara. This article originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times.”

I suppose with such credentials, those with a differing opinion should pack up and turn tail, after all, Frank is a senior research fellow, academically superior in every way. “Nuts!”, I think that’s what the soldiers defending their position at Bastogne told the German high command when defeat was eminent.

Frank explained his definition of morality:

“The modern meaning of "moral" is broader than this, referring to standards of goodness and rightness in character and conduct. To put it simply, something that is moral is beneficial to society, and something that's immoral causes society harm.”

Frank then continued:

“Although people often conflate religion and morality, the two are not the same. Religion is about faith; morality is about goodness. Yet both are often invoked to express strongly held beliefs. Without offering an explanation of what is actually wrong with homosexuality, Pace, like those who invoke the Bible to oppose gay rights, is merely parroting dogma he inherited, not making a reasoned argument.”

I suppose if I were to swallow that hook line and sinker I’d have to give up and surrender; however, let’s take a look at what Frank wants us to buy into. The word “conflate” means to merge and the idea of morality, that which represents the “goodness” he so vaguely offers, springs directly from religion; religion being the acknowledgement that humans are supposed to follow God’s laws in order to become His children, those without morality spring from a different source. Faith is the action which causes those who believe to act on those beliefs in order to obtain blessings which are promised and yet not seen until that faith has been exercised.

Frank then goes about attempting to rationalize improper actions throughout the rest of his meanderings, all the while trying to do his best to separate religion from the equation; relying instead on Zogby Polls and Gallup surveys to show overwhelming statistical data that support such perverted behavior, behavior which is expressly mentioned in the scriptures as sinful. He then finishes with a cute little witticism, a play on words, “More people are harmed in this world, I would submit, by the refusal to look and to see than by the wish to ask and to tell.”

If you hang around folks who never thought about or don’t really care about their relationship with their Father in Heaven, never considered the all important link which established the United States of America as a Christian nation; that is correct and I’ll say it again, established the United States of America as a Christian nation, then you will sadly find that their ignorance of these simple truths will keep them from progressing.

The father of lies, Satan, would have us believe that there are no eternal consequences for our actions, for our choices, that our eyes have been opened, that we will be like God, knowing good and evil. Many claim that homosexual activity is perfectly acceptable, that abortion is as natural as having sex, that neither of these “harms society”. Any time God’s laws are violated, they are violated by individuals first and that the individual has to pay the price. Society is harmed anytime an individual is harmed, even worse, when that individual attempts to mitigate his poor choice by having others join in direct rebellion to God’s intended plan for each individual to follow His laws.

“…The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.”

I’ll go a step further and say that more people are harmed because they have never bothered to read the scriptures, much less understand the laws God has established for our benefit, to save us from ourselves and our carnal nature. Their refusal to look and to see is equaled only by their lack of desire to gain the correct information from the source, God, the author of our morality. Sorry Frank, “that dog of yours just won’t hunt” as long as there are well informed Christians able to see through your smoke screen of deception.

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