Monday, April 30, 2007

Laughable to the Point of Crying

I read Steve McVicker’s piece in this morning’s Houston Chronicle ( linked via title bar) where the U.S. Border Patrol is looking to hire 120 agents; not to guard against the influx of illegal aliens from Mexico and points south, no, they are being hired to guard the borders of Iraq. Did somebody slip drugs into the water or what?

We have 12 million illegal aliens who have infiltrated our sovereign soil and we are going to show another country how to prevent unwanted individuals from entering their country. Does anyone, other than Steve McVickers and myself, see something wrong with this picture?

Maybe next week we’ll invite Harry Reid to talk to the Iraqi troops to teach them how to win their war at the same time, you know, kill two countries at the same time. I’m sorry, that was supposed to be “kill two birds with one stone”.

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