Dr. West has magical powers other than those listed as “chiropractor” to include Chinese pressure point cures or acupuncture; but I think she tossed a dead chicken over the fence as curls of light blue smoke gently mingled with her incantations, “Evil neck spirits be gone!” I could be wrong about this since my face was buried in the table’s indention each time the “procedure” was performed; but it’s a theory.
I’m not at all sure stalking is the correct description; perhaps a more accurate term would be interested friend, regular viewer, RSS subscriber or any number of non-threatening labels to cover the fact that I enjoy stopping by someone's site. I guess if I stopped twenty seven times in a twenty four hour period every day of the week while wearing panty hose over my face so I wouldn’t be recognized or only visiting their site between two thirty and four in the morning so nobody would see me hanging outside their URL; now that might be considered stalking.
Until a few minutes ago, I didn’t know there was “tool” within Facebook to “uncover” stalkers; dangerous words when applied to the term stalking, pardon the Freudian terminology. This internet history ability shouldn’t surprise me; just that it never dawned on me that it would be so easy to access, much less as a social networking “meme”.
I was a little disappointed, after having reviewed the list; not finding Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep or some of my other regular stalkers. There was one blip on the page, something about NSA that disappeared when I clicked on it; the folks who keep tabs on my every move ever since I voiced my displeasure with the current administration’s Gestapo tactics. That black ops helicopter hovers over my house each time I post a blog; hope the neighbors don’t mind the noise even when it’s in whisper mode.
The current “meme”, or social intrusion pointed its digital finger in my direction, a form of spin the bottle if you will; I’m tagged and am supposed to continue by tagging others. I’ve mixed feelings on tagging folks; but must admit that being tagged is flattering to a certain degree, even if it suggests some dark motive such as stalking. I should also point out my limited abilities with Facebook, following simple instructions to continue passing a silly meme along to the next set of victims; I’ll do it via my blog, cut and paste electronically back to Facebook and see what happens.
My list of known stalkers on Facebook:
1 Lucy Stern, 2 Don Guthrie, 3 Cheryl West Hinds (Dr. West), 4 Penny Freeman, 5 Peter James, 6 Leah Christie, 7 Patricia Taylor Carr, 8 Aimee Littau, 9 Amy Chappelle, 10 Wine Commonsew, 11 Jennifer A. Tracy, 12 Mike Souther, 13 Mitsue Ota, 14 Stephen Macklin, 15 Christie Taylor Allred, 16 Elaine H. Webster, 17 Matthew Lopez, 18 Wayne Grantham and 19 Beth Carter.
Here are the questions which accompany the “meme”
→Are you honestly surprised about any of these? Nice to have folks drop by, yes, I’m surprised by most of them.
→Would you ever want to date 18? I’m still laughing at the thought…
→How did you meet 15? At church, she’s one of “the other Allreds”
→How did you come to be friends with 9? We had our pictures next to each other on the Post Office bulletin board for most wanted.
→Do you think 16 and 8 would make a good couple? Only in one of those made for television sit-coms.
→If 1 and 3 hated each other, what would change? I don’t think Lucy would let Dr. West adjust her back anymore.
→If you were stuck on a desert island with all of these people, with no food or water and you were reduced to eating one of them, who would go first? It would have to be Mitsue, I love Japanese food.
Photo courtesy of Flickr, “Penang Hill Fire & Rescue Volunteer Team having the Rappelling Training session in Fire Station at Paya Terubong, Penang.”