I think a valid question to ask is, “How much do you trust your government?” You could find a statistic to back up my curiosity. Who wants to hear that kind of depressing information as we enter the weekend; there are enough spooks and goblins to worry about on Halloween.
I noticed some interesting inquiries on Facebook during this past week. One asked about how we, as in We The People, can repair damage done to our country by elected leaders outside of the electoral process. That hit a nerve with me; what redress have We The People other than impeachment? Can we direct police officers to arrest and detain these thieves; for surely they are stealing away freedoms and liberties that were at one time considered sacred?
While going through various news articles I ran across Ron Paul’s: Let the Dollar Prove Itself . It didn’t take more than one page to explain the advantages of repairing the Fed; a welcome alternative to the nearly 2000 page travesty being pushed as Health Care Reform.
Go read the article and tell me a better way to solidify the Dollar; it can’t be done. So why isn’t this being done? That’s easy, our own government wishes to destroy anything of value, formerly known as personal property, in order to enslave its people. Have you not noticed this trend; or as in the movie, Forrest Gump, “Are you just plain stupid”, followed by, “Stupid is as stupid does”.
“All currencies are based on trust, trust that the issuing authority will not debase the currency. If it becomes known that the issuer of a particular currency is minting underweight coins, people will stop accepting that currency and that company will go out of business. If someone else attempts to counterfeit that currency and pass those coins, there are sufficient counterfeiting laws on the books to prosecute those counterfeiters.”
I ask again, how much do you trust your government? The time has come to “throw the bums out”! A little competition would perform the necessary repairs and the concept of private property would stop its skid toward oblivion.
John Adams believed: “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is no force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. Property must be secured or liberty cannot exist.”
Thanks to the marvels of the internet I was able to locate the exact quote I was looking for within a matter of moments. A tip of the hat to Henry Lamb at World Net Daily for having used the same quote when he wrote about the Kelo issue.
I submit for your consideration that our government no longer sees private property as sacred; such a time has long since passed. Are we waiting for the Tooth Fairy to make things right?
I noticed some interesting inquiries on Facebook during this past week. One asked about how we, as in We The People, can repair damage done to our country by elected leaders outside of the electoral process. That hit a nerve with me; what redress have We The People other than impeachment? Can we direct police officers to arrest and detain these thieves; for surely they are stealing away freedoms and liberties that were at one time considered sacred?
While going through various news articles I ran across Ron Paul’s: Let the Dollar Prove Itself . It didn’t take more than one page to explain the advantages of repairing the Fed; a welcome alternative to the nearly 2000 page travesty being pushed as Health Care Reform.
Go read the article and tell me a better way to solidify the Dollar; it can’t be done. So why isn’t this being done? That’s easy, our own government wishes to destroy anything of value, formerly known as personal property, in order to enslave its people. Have you not noticed this trend; or as in the movie, Forrest Gump, “Are you just plain stupid”, followed by, “Stupid is as stupid does”.
“All currencies are based on trust, trust that the issuing authority will not debase the currency. If it becomes known that the issuer of a particular currency is minting underweight coins, people will stop accepting that currency and that company will go out of business. If someone else attempts to counterfeit that currency and pass those coins, there are sufficient counterfeiting laws on the books to prosecute those counterfeiters.”
I ask again, how much do you trust your government? The time has come to “throw the bums out”! A little competition would perform the necessary repairs and the concept of private property would stop its skid toward oblivion.
John Adams believed: “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is no force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. Property must be secured or liberty cannot exist.”
Thanks to the marvels of the internet I was able to locate the exact quote I was looking for within a matter of moments. A tip of the hat to Henry Lamb at World Net Daily for having used the same quote when he wrote about the Kelo issue.
I submit for your consideration that our government no longer sees private property as sacred; such a time has long since passed. Are we waiting for the Tooth Fairy to make things right?
Does it take a headline in the newspaper to alert us to the fact that our government officials see all money as theirs, temporarily letting us believe it’s ours until such time as they decide how to spend it? Not only do they tax us in order to confiscate what money we have; on top of that they intentionally destroy the value of that money by printing money to add to the supply. Is this conducive to establishing or maintaining trust?
Storms on the horizon warn of measures which must be taken, if not implemented, insure those not prepared of getting soaked. I don’t know about you; but isn’t it time to get in out of the rain?
Storms on the horizon warn of measures which must be taken, if not implemented, insure those not prepared of getting soaked. I don’t know about you; but isn’t it time to get in out of the rain?