I’ve noticed several articles on the internet this morning where the topic was Roe Vs Wade. I’m not going to get into the particulars of when a life becomes viable or is recognized as an individual worthy of protection by the laws of the land since that is arbitrarily determined by the courts anyway. What I thought I’d throw out is a whole new can of worms to get riled up over, something along similar and yet different lines.
Quoting from Exodus 20: 12, 13:
Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
Thou shalt not kill.
Roe Vs Wade pretty much defined what a parent can do with a yet unborn child so we can throw away verse 13, “Thou shalt not kill”, at least as far as killing off something which is flesh of your flesh. What about children who don’t honor their parents, those who refuse to be obedient? Can the parent take matters into his/her own hands and remove that blot from the face of the planet; no different than an abortion? Then it only becomes a matter of determining how much time is permitted to the parent to take care of such mistakes; 1 year, 8 years ( recognized by many as the age of accountability ), 18 to 20 years old, who’s to determine the age when a child is permitted to stop honoring his/her parents and free from the consequences of individual actions?
Think of the possibilities opened up to parents; children who talk back – kablam!, children who refuse to do their homework – kerplunk!, children who for any reason disappoint their parents at any age – thump! It would only take a few “examples” for the rest of the kids to figure out that it doesn’t pay to be a problem child, little Johnnie’s body has never been found and they dragged the bayou for hours after seeing his parents holding hands on their way to the movies just after tossing him off the interstate bridge for not eating his broccoli. “Little Emily always wanted to dress like a hooker”, reads the tombstone over a 13 year old girls grave after she wore Madonna look alike clothing to school one day. Her mother’s tears flow each time she drops the remaining two siblings off at St. Matthew’s K- 12 school for the gifted and enlightened. Little Mary, Emily’s younger sister had at one time requested permission to have her tongue pierced so she could wear a bling bling now sits quietly in the back of her mother’s station wagon with braided hair singing popular songs like Skip to my Lou and other top ten hits.
When I was growing up I remember the serious tone my dear sweet mother had as she took me to task for smoking at school. I’d been suspended and had to have my parents sign a letter of acknowledgement prior to returning. “I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it!”. She never raised her voice, not once as she raised her eye brows for effect. I believed her. She’d have gotten away with it too. It’s hard to convict without a body for evidence. Mom used to say things like, “I do all the cooking; I might poison you if you make me very angry”, things like that make an impression on a twerp kid. What changes in the world might happen if Roe Vs Wade applied to children who’d already taken their first breath outside the womb? All I can say is you kids better start behaving or there’s no chocolate cake tonight, or ever again!.
I’ve linked with Aaron’s post over at Roseville Conservative via the title bar; but there were many other blogs with similar articles.
I didn’t want to leave Jeff from Think Sink out. He has a great post with pictures and words that are very moving. Go visit and comment.