Thursday, February 12, 2009

American Experiment Nearly Over

Call me a boob for having fallen in love with the America of our Founders, for believing the “great experiment” would last and last. For the newer generation, the great experiment was/is the American form of government, a liberty loving people with a chance to prove how integrity, honesty and hard work along with divinely inspired documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights would prevail as the most perfect government on the face of the earth.

Our form of government remains the most perfect; unfortunately, a rather large percentage of our people have ignored the rest of the formula which requires integrity, honesty and hard work along with a healthy respect for the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

How is it possible for those in positions of leadership and power to ignore, with impunity and outright hostility, the primary safeguards of individual liberties set forth in our founding documents? The rumblings of revolution are beginning to be heard as we find our nation precariously closer to the tyrannical thumb of oppression, not much different than that from Great Britain and King George as our ancestors stood up in arms; but from within as elected leaders elevate themselves to an aristocracy above those who elected them in the first place.

Not long ago the Supreme Court came down with a clear and unambiguous explanation of an individual’s right to bear arms as was included in the 2nd Amendment in The District of Columbia V Heller . The District of Columbia, or for that matter, any local, state or regional form of government does not have, within the powers of government granted to it by the governed, the ability to restrict the individual right to bear arms, with limited exceptions such as convicted felons or the mentally disturbed.

Quoting from the Widipedia article linked in the previous paragraph:

“The Scalia majority invokes much historical material to support its finding that the right to keep and bear arms belongs to individuals; more precisely, Scalia asserts in the Court’s opinion that the “people” to whom the Second Amendment right is accorded are the same “people” who enjoy First and Fourth Amendment protection: “‘The Constitution was written to be understood by the voters; its words and phrases were used in their normal and ordinary as distinguished from technical meaning’.”

Enter the “Incorporation Doctrine”, which according to an even more recent decision by the Second Circuit Court ignored the Supreme Court rendering and claims that individual states determine the entitlement to individuals to bear arms and that the 2nd Amendment does not apply to individuals. Does anyone, other than myself, see a rather large disconnect with the original intent of this being a United States of America, being built upon the same founding documents?

I won’t go into a long and drawn out explanation of Rights, which exist with or without government; Rights being bestowed to individuals from our Creator, God. Our Founders understood this principle as they restricted the powers given to government by the people so as to insure a limited government and prevent the tyrannies imposed on individuals by other forms of government throughout the world. Government can’t bestow Rights, government can only distribute entitlements; and entitlements can be taken away as easily as they are granted.

It would appear that regardless of how many letters are put behind a name or titles of respect are added to one’s station, the Second Circuit Court, along with many governing bodies across this country, either don’t understand or intend to disregard the most basic foundations of our national identity by throwing away the intent, both in spirit and law, as given by our most precious documents.

The Right to Bear Arms wasn’t included in the Bill of Rights so sportsmen could trounce around in camouflage outer wear going after prized bucks, although they are indeed covered. No, the Right to Bear Arms was included to give individual citizens protection at all levels of engagement from criminal acts which endanger both property and life and also from a tyrannical form of government. This Right to Bear Arms wasn’t singled out to folks who lived in Vermont, with exclusions for New York or Massachusetts; but for every citizen in the United States of America. How dare the courts attempt to exclude any citizen, how dare any state government attempt to limit a God given right, a right protected in our founding documents!

Last on this list of atrocities is Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009, or H.B. 45. Greg Young alerts those interested in his article, “More Gun Control Introduced in Congress” , that the very government for which citizens are armed to protect themselves from potential tyranny is that government which will have the address of each and every armed citizen for future confiscation; and do not be lulled into a false sense of security, future confiscation is just around the corner.

“This nefarious bill seeks to strip us all of our Constitutional Rights to possess and bear firearms of any distinction. It requires, within the first two years, that all new guns be registered. The bill goes retroactive after two years. Meaning that two years after the passage of the bill, ALL FIREARMS in a citizen’s possession must be registered, not just those purchased after the bill passes, and this apparently applies to antique firearms as well.”

My friend Steve happened to send me an email the other day entitled, “A Firearms Refresher Course”. I’d just started putting some of these thoughts into what you see here today when I opened his letter. The image at the top of this article was included along with several others which I won’t share at this time. Here’s a list of the items we should be aware of:

1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3. Colt: The original point and click interface.
4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
7. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
8. If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.
9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
10. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights Reserved.
11. What part of ‘shall not be infringed’ do you not understand?
12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
14. Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians.
15. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
16. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
17. 911: Government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.
18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
19. Criminals love gun control; it makes their jobs safer.
20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.
22. You have only the rights you are willing to fight for.
23. Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY have; don't make more.
24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.
25. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.

Well, that helicopter’s circling over my house again, the black one that sits there in quiet mode each time I post an article exposing our government’s steady and unrelenting usurpation of power under the guise of helping the citizenry. Remember, if someone knocks on your door and says, “We’re from the government and were here to help.”, be afraid, be very afraid.

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