Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fight the Battles You Can Win

I read on the Fox website where some folks up in New York want to ban a video game that encourages rape . I can’t fathom what kind of degenerate mind came up with such a “game”, much less who would actively pursue playing or “acting out” the content of such depravity.

“Amazon and eBay have already banned the sale of the game, called RapeLay. But City Council Speaker Christine Quinn said Monday that the game is available from other online sellers.”

A couple of years ago I sent off a letter to Amazon.com requesting they discontinue selling pedophilia material. I posted that letter on my blog along with Amazon’s rejection on the grounds that pulling pedophilia material from its inventory it was denying a portion of the public a product they deserved to have the opportunity to purchase.

“Thank you for writing to Amazon.com. As a retailer, our goal is to provide customers with the broadest selection possible so they can find, discover, and buy any item they might be seeking. That selection includes some items which many people may find objectionable. Therefore, the items offered on our web site represent a wide spectrum of opinions on a variety of topics Amazon.com believes it is censorship not to display certain articles because we believe their message is objectionable.” ( emphasis was added )

I can only assume, a dangerous word to use according to a well known definition, I can only assume that Amazon.com has rationalized that pedophilia is perfectly okay to promote whereas rape is not. Information like this is crucial in determining the moral agency of our nation by measuring what is or isn’t offered up for sale. This has nothing to do with censorship; instead, shows how far down the toilet some folks would have us flushed in order to prove that in a free society “anything goes”.

Remember the movie, War Games , with Matthew Broderick? A sharp young high school kid stumbles upon a game called “Thermo Nuclear War”, and while breaking into the defense department’s computer to play the “game”, comes within a hair trigger’s breath of starting WWIII. Near the end of the movie, and after it is shown how dangerous certain games are, the computer’s voice asks, “How about a nice game of chess?” Wouldn’t we all be a lot better off playing a “nice game of chess” rather than seeking that which we know to be evil?

Edited Same Day:

Well, speak of the Devil… a late breaking AP story on the Fox web site says that, “A federal judge in Connecticut has ordered a man convicted of possessing child pornography to pay about $200,000 in restitution to a woman photographed as a child while being sexually abused.” I wonder if Amazon.com will be held to the same level of accountability.

“We think this is a terrific precedent,” said Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. “The photos stay out there forever. Every time they are downloaded, every time they are distributed, the victim in that image is revictimized.” ( emphasis added )

You folks at Amazon.com, the ones who claim that distribution of pedophilia shouldn’t be looked upon as exploitation of children, does that sink in a little deeper now that a judge has decided to start going after bank accounts of folks involved in the distribution of child pornography?

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