Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Senator Cornyn Are You Blind or Just Plain Stupid?

I got the following email (see below) from Senator John Cornyn, (R) Texas. I’d posted my thoughts regarding the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor as a blog, Senator Cornyn – Do You Have a Backbone? and sent it along to Senator Cornyn back on May 29, 2009.

Apparently Senator John Cornyn hasn’t been paying attention to the most recent SCOTUS news or he’d have a better understanding as to what reverse discrimination means and how Judge Sotomayor has been exposed for the racist she is. I hope Senator Cornyn does a better job of reading pending legislation than he does keeping up with current events.

Going around the internet looking for opinions expressed regarding this particular “event”; Michelle Malkin’s column quoteed Wendy Long at the Judicial Confirmation Network


“Frank Ricci finally got his day in court, despite the judging of Sonia Sotomayor, which all nine Justices of U.S. Supreme Court have now confirmed was in error.

“Usually, poor performance in any profession is not rewarded with the highest job offer in the entire profession.

What Judge Sotomayor did in Ricci was the equivalent of a pilot error resulting in a bad plane crash. And now the pilot is being offered to fly Air Force One.” (emphasis added)

Senator Cornyn, are you blind or Just Plain Stupid? I love that line from the movie, Forrest Gump; one of those, if the shoe fits wear it kind of things.

From: ""
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2009 11:21:09 AM
Subject: Thank You For Contacting My Office

Dear Mr. Stern:
Thank you for contacting me about the confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to serve as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this important matter.

As you know, on May 26, 2009, President Barack Obama nominated Judge Sonia Sotomayor to serve on the United States Supreme Court. As your Senator, and a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, it is my constitutional duty to carefully review the record and qualifications of each judicial nominee submitted for approval by the President. Because Judge Sotomayor would serve for life if she is confirmed, it is essential that the Senate conduct a full and fair review of her record. Judge Sotomayor's confirmation hearing is scheduled for July 13, 2009, and you may be certain that I will work to ensure that her hearing is conducted in a dignified and respectful manner.

I do not believe that it is appropriate for anyone to pre-judge or pre-confirm Judge Sotomayor; however, it is the constitutional duty of the Senate to thoroughly review the record of all judicial nominees and provide advice and consent. I have identified several issues of concern with Judge Sotomayor's record that deserve further explanation, including whether Judge Sotomayor believes that the right to bear arms is an individual and fundamental right of all citizens. Americans should be informed as to whether Judge Sotomayor will uphold one of the fundamental liberties enshrined in the Bill of Rights, the right to keep and bear arms. Additionally, Judge Sotomayor's views on the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution—which protects against the unjust seizure of private property—deserve further explanation. She will be asked whether she believes the Constitution permits the government to seize private property from its citizens for the benefit of other private parties. I strongly believe that the protection of homes, small businesses, and other private property against unreasonable government seizure and other government interference is a fundamental constitutional principle and core commitment of our nation’s Founders.

Finally, Judge Sotomayor should state her interpretation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution which provides that "no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Ongoing cases before the Supreme Court involve this protection and I believe that Americans deserve to know whether Judge Sotomayor's philosophy lies within that of the judicial mainstream. All citizens should be informed as to whether Judge Sotomayor will be a justice for all or a justice for a few. It is my hope that Judge Sotomayor will prove herself to possess the impartiality, integrity, legal expertise, and judicial temperament that we expect from those that sit on our highest court. As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will keep your views in mind as I continue working with my colleagues to conduct a thorough and respectful confirmation process in the Senate. I appreciate having the opportunity to represent the interests of Texans in the United States Senate.

Thank you for taking the time to contact me.Sincerely,


United States Senator

July 1, 2009

Senator John Cornyn;

I can appreciate your ability to refrain from sounding harsh while at the same time I'd have to question your ability to speak in a straightforward manner considering the blatant disregard for our constitution and the rule of law as Judge Sonia Sotomayor clearly demonstrated in the latest SCOTUS reversal. Judge Sotomayor’s decision in the firefighter’s reverse race discrimination case explains much about what could be expected in the future, should her nomination to the SCOTUS be considered seriously and serves as a warning as to what is or is not permissible.

There is no excuse for racism, call it what you will; the act of government sanctioned preference, either to make restitution for social errors for past generations or to entitle any one member of our society over another by making the playing field uneven in order to press an agenda forward. If you cannot see this distinction, and it would appear from your response that you are either blind or unwilling to make such a distinction; perhaps you should vacate your elected position and permit someone else to represent Texas .


T. F. Stern

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