Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tanning Beds Could be Your Final Destination

If you’ve seen the movie, Final Destination, think it was the second one, then you know to avoid tanning beds at all cost. The two pretty young women getting fried when the temperature gauge got messed up and no way out because the door got bolted; yuk! If you think about it, they never had a chance; after all, look at the name of the movie.

Then again, scientists have been warning everyone for years that tanning beds and the ultraviolet light used to create those tans are “probable carcinogens.” The
AP article on FoxNews website went on to say how young folks, those under 30, should avoid tanning beds since their chances of getting skin or eye cancer increase by 75%. I know a lot of young people enjoy gambling; but 75% odds isn’t gambling; that’s more like a death wish.

Was Charles Bronson in any of the Final Destination movies or did he stick to doing Death Wish? I can’t remember; been out in the sun too long.

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