Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Gingerbread Cookie Time

Around our house the aroma of gingerbread cookies is a sure sign Christmas is around the corner. Lucy put all the dry ingredients in a bowl the other day and had to wait until she had fresh oranges so she could grate the peel into the recipe. Once all the ingredients were assembled, the whole mess had to chill in the refrigerator over night prior to rolling out the dough.

This morning the cookie assembly line was in place; dough being rolled out, cookie cutters of every variety lined up, cookie sheets to go in the oven and cooling racks where cookie monsters can sample the finished product. This year’s dough is a bit darker and Lucy was concerned; but having tested several cookies for texture and quality, they taste just fine.

We have a handful of “hand me downs”, cookie cutters my mom gave Lucy when the family gingerbread recipe was entrusted to her. These require flour applied to the cutting surface or the dough sticks to the fancy detail work. We’ve added Santa, reindeer, gingerbread men in different sizes and Christmas trees along with Chinese Throwing Stars (Snowflakes, as I’ve been corrected), one-bite gingerbread men and a huge Texas A&M cutter.

“Cookie, cookie; give me cookies!” What would we do without Sesame Street characters to awaken the child within? I may have to taste test other batches as they hit the cooling rack; but only to make sure the gingerbread formula is up to long established standards of this family tradition.


MathewK said...

Taste testing is vital, no batch can be sent for distribution before being thoroughly tested.

T. F. Stern said...

MK, We are in total agreement.