The other day I had an interesting conversation with a few
individuals, some of whom I knew, while others who joined in were perfect
strangers. Comments originally were the
result of an article exposing the dangers of radioactive materials being discharged into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant disaster that
occurred on March 11, 2011. From that
original comment thread sprang other tangents of conversation which rambled
into societal issues far from the ecological disaster in Japan when their nuclear reactors
were damaged by a tsunami.
I pointed out that environmentalist were more concerned with
Anthropomorphic (man made) global warming and CO2 emissions than the greater
threat to mankind caused by the entire Pacific Ocean
being contaminated with nuclear material.
Perhaps my calling environmentalists ‘whack jobs’ for having bought
hook, line and sinker into the man made global warming hoax set off a chain of comments.
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”, attributed to Mark Twain.
This appears to be a truism of the first order, at least as
far as man made global warming and the environmental movement is
concerned. Billions, if not trillions of
dollars have been put into play, supposedly to save the planet from man made
global warming. The problem is, and
please don’t get too upset; I’m only the messenger, mankind’s role in global
warming or cooling is minimal at best.
The factors involved in Earth’s cyclic climate changes are far more
Computer generated modules, contaminated data or out right
fabrications and falsehoods presented as if they were facts have been foisted
on the public in order to support a ‘consensus of scientists’ and world leaders
driving home an agenda which for the most part appears to be politically
motivated rather than scientifically justified.
Anthropomorphic, the word alone makes intellectually minded elitists
get goose bumps just hearing themselves say it.
Anthropomorphic; oh, I’m so much smarter than the average lunch box carrying
dolts who punch a time card in the slot.
The fact remains, Earth hasn’t shown any sign of warming for
well over the past decade while CO2 measurement data would indicate, at least
according to the junk science of environmentalists, that our species and most
living organisms should have been roasted by now. Any major alterations in Earth’s climate
cycles would appear to spring from other sources; like the sun, El Nino ocean currents, cosmic activity from the far reaches of the universe bouncing off clouds, volcanic
surface activity as well as under sea volcanic activity along with other issues
which we are just now being able to figure out and which play major roles in
global climate trends.
Short of total all out nuclear war it would seem almost
insignificant what mankind does in affecting long term climate change. The Earth has incredible healing properties
which negate nearly all short term screw ups by mankind.
I’ve gone a long way around to get to the next issue; my
apologies for rambling.
A dear young woman wrote her comment, taking a tangent away
from doom and gloom towards a more pleasant thought, “I always thought it’d be
fun to live on a commune”. I added a
short correction to the thought process, “I always thought it’d be fun to live
on a commune if it were my choice rather than being enslaved in one”.
If you think about it, wouldn’t we all like to live in our
own Shangri-La,
a perfect community where everyone gets along, everyone is equal, no need for
police or courts to settle disputes because peace and tranquility are in
abundance? Okay, back to reality; but
that was a nice distraction.
A link had been provided showing the work of Alex Hartley
who creates habitats in inhospitable landscapes. Upon looking up Alex Hartley as a Google
search I ran across a new country created for folks looking for Shangri-La, the
perfect commune if you will, Nowhereisland.
“Nowhereisland is a Situations
project led by artist Alex Hartley, one of 12 Artist Taking the Lead projects
for the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad funded by Arts Council England. We also
gratefully acknowledge the support of the University of the West of England, Bristol; Bloomberg; Nicky
Wilson Jupiter Artland; the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Royal
Norwegian Embassy and Yellowbrick Tracking.”
folks put together a constitution for self governance which
they say isn’t ‘set in stone’; rather, it’s always a digital work in
progress. It took a while; but I went
over some of this free form set of rules and found it to be utterly chaotic and
far from settling, full of contradictions and generalities which could be
interpreted to mean anything to anyone.
was one entry, “We will strive
for peace. If war should arise, only those who vote for it will fight -
including politicians” followed later by another, “War is not an option.” Then there is the focus on the value of life,
“Death penalty violates the right to life and therefore is forbidden” with
another constitutionally ambiguous issue, “The right to abortion”; nothing more
stated, just “The right to abortion”.
There were noble thoughts, “All people are of equal, inestimable worth,
and are to be treated as such”; but I guess unborn children don’t qualify.
The Nowhereisland community, for lack
of a better term, has no rule of law and eventually must fail because
individuals depend on certain rules being written in stone, rules which don’t
change with the winds or as the tides come and go.
I’ll return
to the statement, “I always thought it’d be fun to live on a commune”,
as it hints toward yet another sinister process, communism; a government which
imposes its will on everyone and where individual’s have no inherent rights,
only entitlements which are rewarded by the state and just as easily revoked.
Here in the United
States of America we have a Constitution
along with an enumerated Bill of Rights which, while not set in stone, provides
a platform from which individuals might more easily recognize inherent rights
or natural rights from entitlements.
Individual rights are defined in order to insure they are
protected from infringement by local, state or federal entities because they
are recognized to have been in existence prior to the formation of the
governing body, a government body created to protect these rights. There is a marked difference between natural
or inherent God given rights from entitlements which are either granted to or
revoked by that government which they have formed.
This led into yet another discussion which cropped up in
the comment thread, one having to do with whether or not it was important to be
a religious person. When the tangent
started going down this path I had to wonder, what purpose does it serve to ask
if a person involved in supplying facts about environmental issues or world
wide redistribution of wealth was attached to any particular religion or religion
in a general sort of way. Apparently
some folks consider this paramount to assessing the value of facts which run
contrary to their own beliefs.
I’ve come to the conclusion that some folks would prefer to
be uninformed or misinformed rather than admit they’d been fooled. Either way Mark Twain’s wisdom has lasted
beyond his mortality.
Our Constitution with its enumerated Bill of Rights points
the way to individual liberty and, if followed, provides ample protection for
individual rights, even from a majority because these rights are not granted by
government, they are and always have been the right of individuals long before
the idea of government or self governance came to be.
Having set these issues to paper, not necessarily writing
them in stone; but setting them apart as important foundations of society, a
rule of law if you will; makes them important to the survival of society. In our constitutional republic rights cannot be
voted away from an individual, not even by a majority of his fellow citizens
because the rights of which I speak existed prior to the formation of the
government, a government which uses votes to advance other ideas.
Am I a religious man, Yes; I gladly admit that my faith in
God has permitted me to understand the importance of eternal truths which are
the foundation of our country. I’m
blessed with the knowledge that my Father in Heaven choose men of great intellect and character to bring about the founding of our
country. These men used their powers of
thought and were guided by the Spirit when they wrote our founding documents.
When I hear folks claim they wish to live in a commune a
place where peace and self fulfillment can be achieved by anyone and everyone
but without the rule of law or folks deride others simply because they hold sacred
issues as important, I hear the folly of such ineptitude. There can be no liberty where chaos reigns in
place of the rule of law.
1 comment:
Not leaving a lot of room for me to argue with you, TF. The comments about the Cult of Anthropogenic Climate Scare-ism are particularly on point. ;-)
Here's an article that seems related to your thesis
Chaos is not Liberty":>Liberalism Twerks Normal Americans
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