Friday, October 24, 2014

Is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Useless?

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been in the headlines of late as Ebola takes center stage.  The CDC, your tax dollars at work, advertises in its banner, “CDC 24/7: Saving Lives, Protecting People TM”.   Perusing their website gives you an idea of the importance placed on certain aspects they consider top priorities.

# New York City Reports Positive Test for Ebola in Volunteer International Aid Worker

# CDC Announces Active Post-Arrival Monitoring for Travelers from Impacted Countries

# Breast Cancer Awareness

# Flu Season is Around the Corner

Then I read where a doctor who had been a volunteer working in an Ebola field hospital had returned to the United States, landed at New York’s JFK airport and given the ‘all clear’ by the CDC to go about mixing and mingling with the general population.  The only problem…the doctor wasn’t quarantined for any length of time and, as it turns out; you guessed it, the good doctor is infected with the Ebola virus.

The doctor, Craig Spencer, 33, returned from Guinea 10 days ago after treating Ebola patients there. Since returning, Spencer rode the A, L, and No. 1 subway lines, went running, used an Uber livery cab, and went to a bowling alley in Williamsburg called the Gutter Wednesday night, said Dr. Mary Bassett, the city’s health commissioner. He also visited the High Line park in Manhattan at some point, she said. He began exhibiting a fever and diarrhea on Thursday morning,
Obviously this doctor was high risk – so what was he doing on a plane, subway, and cab, then running and bowling in public places?! And how did he miss out on taking the ferry and LIRR, for good measure? Maybe those were his Thursday plans before he got sick.”
I’m so glad the CDC, that government agency using our tax dollars, “24/7: Saving Lives, Protecting People TM”, that CDC did such a good job containing a person they knew had been in contact with a contagious disease.  Just think about the folks that the CDC has no clue about, those coming through our open borders since things like that are not important to the Obama administration.
What about communicable diseases which are now being imported to the heartland of the United States from those who are not checked as they are welcomed with open arms and placed in our public schools?  Where is the CDC’s response warning everyone of the dangers of coming in contact with active Tuberculosis or God-knows what else has been brought here?
Maybe the CDC should share proper protocols for dealing with Ebola contaminants with those who are working first hand with this crisis… like these two police officers who, after visiting Ebola patient Dr. Craig Spencer’s apartment in New York City decided to toss their safety masks and gloves in the nearest public trash can.  
Moving right along…  We’ve been told by the CDC to get a Flu shot each year; but how effective and/or dangerous is the vaccine? 

A Johns Hopkins scientist has issued a blistering report on influenza vaccines in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Peter Doshi, Ph.D., charges that although the vaccines are being pushed on the public in unprecedented numbers, they are less effective and cause more side effects than alleged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”


“Not only is the vaccine not safe, Dr. Blaylock tells Newsmax Health, it doesn’t even work. “The vaccine is completely worthless, and the government knows it,” he says. “There are three reasons the government tells the elderly why they should get flu shots: secondary pneumonia, hospitalization, and death. Yet a study by the Cochrane group studied hundreds of thousands of people and found it offered zero protection for those three things in the general community.” (emphasis added)

The government’s pushing a Flu vaccine they know doesn’t work while using their arm twisting powers to force individuals to subject themselves to possible dangerous side effects, either that or lose their jobs; just wonderful.  This is the same government agency that can’t figure out how to keep one Ebola infected individual from exposing the population to this dreadful disease. 

Exactly how much money is being wasted by taxpayers to keep the CDC up and running?  For years the CDC has been pushing a Low Salt Diet, saving us from consuming too much Salt even though recent scientific studies published in the May 4 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association don’t support the claim; to the contrary, “The investigators found that the less salt people ate, the more likely they were to die of heart disease…” 

Saving us from catching the Flu even though the vaccine they’re promoting doesn’t work, limiting our Salt intake even though no conclusive data justifies it and making sure our society never comes in contact with Ebola; yea, they’re doing a great job.  Going down their list of priorities, at least these boobs have a handle on breast cancer.

The CDC is another example of government employees sucking the public teat and providing little if anything in return.

This article has been cross posted to The Moral Liberal, a publication whose banner reads, “Defending The Judeo-Christian Ethic, Limited Government, & The American Constitution”.

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