Friday, November 20, 2020

Is it really over?


I read a comment issued by an old friend who happens to be a Biden supporter.  She was gloating, as if her intellectual superiority in assessing issues had prevailed, prematurely I might add.  “The election process is over; the final count had been done in Georgia”.  I’ve a great deal of respect for this individual and so rather than go for her throat, a rather crude way of saying we disagree; instead I remained silent, temporarily, which is why I’m writing now.

There is room to wonder what she meant with her remark, it’s over.  In all likelihood a reference to the vote count in Georgia as reported by the major news media outlets, those honorable individuals who’ve presented their propaganda as is if it were factual information.  She believes that Georgia’s vote count assures Biden of the number of Electoral Votes needed to win.

Perhaps she was unaware of those individuals counting the votes in Georgia, the state where several batches of uncounted votes continue to surface, supposedly minor errors in the care and custody of presidential votes that had been cast on, …or even after November 3rd.  Never mind that the Senate seat which has yet to be determined in Georgia, the outcome will determine which party holds sway for the next several years.

I’d like to think she was selectively ignorant of yet another possibility, that our constitutional republican form of self-governance was over.  I say this because if we as Americans, regardless of which candidate we would prefer to win; if we allow the corruption which has tainted this voting process to stand then we are accepting corruption willingly and without regard for the consequences.

Many on the Biden side are asking for proof of any wrong doing, any at all.  They have some kind of unrealistic idea of how to identify corruption, the intent to manipulate and control the outcome of this election. 

I’m reminded of the scene from the movie, A Few Good Men, the courtroom scene where the now famous line is uttered, “You want the truth?  You can’t handle the truth!”

Let’s work on the idea that there is a ‘preponderance of evidence’ which would indicate to a rational individual that something seriously wrong has, in all probability, occurred in the voting process.  We’ll save having to prove ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ for later. In other words, is it possible that the statistical mathematics pointing out voting irregularities just happen to match with algorithms built into a machine intended to count votes, that these 20,000 Dominion machines were not intended to alter the outcome of such a count?  

(Image of Eric Coomer found on Facebook, quote verified)

Never mind that the irregularities occurred in several states around the same time of night after it became clear that Trump was not only in the lead; but was projected to win based on the vote count prior to the unexplained ‘shutdown’.

If your answer is a flat out, No; then you’re not being honest.  Why would anyone design a machine that could be accessed from the internet by way of hidden backdoor passwords, have the ability to discount certain votes while at the same time award a higher percentage to the opponent?  Worse, why would any honest person consider using these machines, their ability to alter an election’s outcome wasn’t exactly a secret? 

The machines in question have been used to assist the outcome of elections in other countries.  The CIA and other ‘three letter government organizations’ are on record as having used them to disrupt elections in other countries. To say this is new information is beyond believable.  Some states refused to use the machines in question because the results offered could not be verified, their being unreliable and corrupt.  But this could never happen in America…

So why did 30 states, to include so called battleground states authorize the use of Dominion machines that were capable of altering election results, changing the outcome in favor of whomever had been pre-ordained to win? 

But you say, that hasn’t been proven in a court of law…  I respond with, “If you’re walking along and see a pile of mushy brown substance, you wipe it with your finger, hold it up to your nose and take a whiff, then stick out your tongue and taste it.  After having puked on the sidewalk you say to yourself, Glad I didn’t step in it”.  Are you that hard to convince that something is amiss? 

Or…are you willing to accept corruption, move on because the outcome went the way you’d hoped it would, your candidate won.? 

If that’s how you feel, then you’re probably right; it’s really over.


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