Monday, May 16, 2005

Flush This!

I wrote the following and sent if off to Newsweek Magazine:

To a Responsible Person,
( A large presumption on my part)

Regarding your articles under the following URL’s:
last but not least,

This letter is to let you know how disappointed I am with the news item recently released regarding the alleged “flushing” of Islamic holy scriptures down a toilet. I am not at all interested in your reactionary excuse. I am alarmed by the fact that Newsweek Magazine has forgotten, more likely that Newsweek Magazine has intentionally ignored the fact that reporting news items that bolster the agenda of our enemies, predominantly those terrorist with Islamic leanings and giving them energy for their cause is not in the best interest of the American public.

It matters not if your views; either personal or as a collective entity, are in agreement with the current administration. Your attempts to cast doubt on the moral worthiness of the United States in such a way as to pour gasoline on an already open fire are reprehensible. I would call the manner in which your magazine reports the overall efforts of the United States military and the current administration’s policies subversive except such terms may only be used by the liberal left, as they are the only ones who have not sold their souls to the devil, at least from listening to their vitriolic bellowing. Thank goodness for the liberal media; if it were not for their ever vigilant work to expose the corrupt soul of our degenerate nation we would never have known.

Again, thank you for putting United States military personnel in harms way, extending support to our known enemies and in general, thanks for nothing. As a parting shot at your marketing of your website; gosh by golly you guys must really be true patriots, that picture of George Washington crossing the Delaware seals it.


T. F. Stern

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