Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Cruise Ship Voyage

I’ve heard this told a couple of times by different folks and couldn’t say who should get credit for the original version; all the same my thanks for a great story. I dedicate this to my friend Probligo as an answer to the many challenges he’s left to various articles I've posted in the comment section.

There was a cruise ship passenger who’d saved carefully for her once in a life time trip, figuring down to the last dollar, each day’s expenditures. When it came time for dinner she excused herself and went to her cabin where she’d planned ahead, having very modest meals pre-packaged so as not to worry about spending at the luxury restaurants on board the cruise ship.

She made friends with another woman during the week long cruise, walking the decks, exchanging stories of work, romance and family. Each evening when it came time for dinner the young woman was able to find an excuse for not going down to the fine restaurant; “I’m not feeling well”, “A bit sea sick, I’ll just go to my cabin and rest”, or some other casual reason for not attending.

On the last day of the cruise her friend again invited the young woman to attend the fancy dinner, a celebration beyond any of the other meals as it was the night before returning to port. The young woman calculated how much money she had left and decided it would be okay, her having enough to justify a little splurge.

She sat next to her friend and marveled at the items on the menu; but was reluctant to order because there were no prices next to the items, remembering how the best restaurants had similar menus. Her new found friend, somewhat bewildered at the situation posed by the young woman asked, “Didn’t you know, the price of all your meals was included in the price of your passage ticket?”

“No, I’ve been going to my cabin each night in order to avoid extra expenses.”

So it is with mortality; many are not aware the price has been paid, the many blessings which are available go unclaimed due to insufficient knowledge of the rules. Some are not aware of their relationship to the Captain of the ship and when given the opportunity to sit at his table slink away, feeling they cannot afford to attend or that they possibly are not worthy.

I hope the message of this story covers those who, for one reason or another, are reluctant to accept the invitation to dine at the Master’s table.

There is another story, one which I’m hesitant to share; but feel compelled to offer as an alternative. There was a fellow named Zeezrom, who challenged anyone who claimed to have a knowledge of God, antagonistic at every step. He tried to out smart and make fools of those claiming such knowledge. The story can be found in Alma 11:20-46 and all of chapter 12 . I’ve included a link to the starting point; enjoy your cruise through these passages.

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