Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The Moral Liberal

Steve Farrell contacted me a while back and invited me to become involved with a project he wanted to expand, The Moral Liberal. Steve and I have shared ideas a few times over the years and I felt honored that he would consider my efforts, to have me submit articles which would be read by his audience.

The Moral Liberal is a publication whose banner reads, “Defending The Judeo-Christian Ethic, Limited Government, & The American Constitution”. Please take a moment to add them to your list of favorites or include them in your side-bar.

Now that I’m officially a Pundit my hat fits a bit snug; need a larger size. Rubbing shoulders with quality writers like Phil Brennan, Alan Caruba, Bill Federer and other top notch pundits blows me away. Thanks Steve, now I can aggravate a different segment of society with my thoughts.


Unknown said...

Wow! I'm impressed. A byline and everything! Now you're going to have to have a professional portrait done so you look like you write!

T. F. Stern said...

Thank you Penny.

Starsplash said...

You deserve it T.F.. Few people I know reserve themselves so well even when I believe you are as incenced as anyone when the government gets crappy.

Lucy Stern said...

Ron, A compliment worth having, thank you.