Friday, May 13, 2005

Picking Up a Radio Station

If I were one of the jet setters the title “Picking Up a Radio Station” could mean that I recently acquired a major purchase; however, that just isn’t the case. In the movie Working Girl, the up and coming secretary played by Melanie Griffith, put together a deal that would improve her company by teaming it up with the purchase of a radio station; only to have the credit stolen by her boss. I enjoyed the movie, mostly the line towards the end where the Melanie Griffith character tells the boss, played by Sigourney Weaver, “Get your boney ass out of my sight!”, which line was then used by the big boss as he fired “her boney ass”. This has nothing to do with what I planned to talk about, just got sidetracked by the movie line.

Lucy and I were at the chiropractor’s office getting adjusted. I always take my wallet, glasses, hearing aids, keys and set them on the desk so they won’t be in the way during the adjustment. My neck had been bothering me, more than usual and the adjustment process was painful. After my adjustment was done I began to collect my things, putting my glasses on, putting my wallet back in my pocket and stepping out of the way so the chiropractor could begin working on Lucy. I was standing in the corner and as soon as I put my hearing aid in on the right side, the side that is almost deaf, I noticed that it was picking up a radio station.

I had heard of folks going to the dentist, getting a tooth filled and picking up a broadcast that way. I never thought it would work after a chiropractic adjustment. I do recall reading that the first person who got a chiropractic adjustment didn’t do it because of back pain. His friend noticed a lump on the back of his neck and started to work it out through manipulation. Amazingly, when the lump disappeared his hearing was restored, something which he had not figured into the equation.

“Hey, I’m picking up a radio station through my hearing aid!” I had a big grin on my face; but not as big as the one on my chiropractor.

“You’re standing under a speaker.”, pointing to the ceiling and unable to control her laughter. That’s funny; never knew she had a speaker there. So it wasn’t the adjustment after all, just an interesting way to start off Friday.

I was on the phone later in the morning telling my mom about the way the day started, and she happened to ask where I was headed. I told her I was on the Beltway headed out to make keys for an old Ranger.

“The Lone Ranger?”, she shot back.

“Just call me Tonto, Kemosabe! No, a Ford Ranger,” Maybe both of my parents are to blame for the genetics that cause me to wear these hearing aids. That’s how the day started, just in case you wanted to know.

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