Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Key to John Roberts Personality Lies in his Restraint

I read in the Houston Chronicle this morning, an article by Linda Greenhouse of the New York Times, in which the released papers from the White House during the Reagan era were highlighted.

“The National Archives released the documents, contained in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in response to a request last month from the Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

It is not enough that the President of the United States has placed an honorable man’s name before the Senate as a nominee for the Supreme Court. Our times require that such a person have a perfect record and on top of that, there needs to be a guarantee that any future opinions expressed by a potential Supreme Court Justice be in accord with the moral fiber and fabric of not only the majority; but also the “loyal opposition”. Since no such guarantee can be accomplished either in reason or in dreams, the “loyal opposition” has taken the stance that no person could be qualified if his name has been submitted by the President, that President being an enemy of the people, intent on destroying the loyal opposition.

“Roberts, then in his 20s and serving as an associate White House counsel, did not actively work on all of the subjects. His analysis of recent Supreme Court decisions was careful, precise and largely devoid of his own opinions. He clearly endeavored to convey the administration's views on the subjects that landed on his desk, only occasionally indicating whether the views were his own.”

This speaks volumes about the ability of John Roberts to distinguish between his own opinions and that of the job which he was hired to accomplish. His restraint would make him an ideal Supreme Court Justice, separating his own will from that of the Constitutional issues placed before him rather than interpreting the pulse of morality, the political leanings of our times or the pressures applied to someone in such a position. Maybe that is what bothers the Democratic Senators so much, they would have almost no influence on such a man of integrity as to render them harmless.

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