Tuesday, October 17, 2006

How do you spell Obscenity? ACLU

I found a small article on the CNN website explaining the intricacies of a self destructive society. Each aspect of society must become diluted or perverted from a once grand desire to be righteous and pure in order to accommodate those of varied culture and diversity; this is the United States of America, land of the free.

“ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- A woman who was ticketed for having an obscene anti-Bush bumper sticker filed a lawsuit in federal court Monday against a county in the state of Georgia and its officials.

Denise Grier, 47, of Athens, Georgia, got a $100 ticket in March after a DeKalb County police officer spotted the bumper sticker, which read "I'm Tired Of All The BUSH**."”

The case was thrown out because “the state's lewd decal law that formed the basis for the ticket was ruled unconstitutional in 1990”. I have to wonder; does that same ruling apply when reporting in newspapers or other media? I noticed that the most damaging part, the obscene words which “supposedly” were the focus of the original citation, were not printed in the AP article; instead opting for “**”.

It is possible that the officer who wrote the ticket was a Republican and might have been influenced politically. Then again he might have been a “*” and simply not liked vulgar language being displayed in public. I have some friends at church who vote “*” and they are the finest people you’d ever want for neighbors; some mighty strange ideas when it comes to how to run our country, but fine folks all the same.

“**” could mean Cheese Omelets for all we know. If it’s perfectly okay to spew profanity at anytime what’s wrong with “**”? Now you and I know that “**” most likely stands for Male Bovine Excrement or the more common terminology. Hearing or viewing “**” would destroy the development of any growing child here in the good ole’ USA. They might turn into mutants from the exposure to such debased language, language they would never hear at home from parents or family members, at school from other children or through other channels such as television or movies. “**” has become common everyday expression, unfortunately. I looked at the polling results offered along with the AP story and found that 51% of those expressing an opinion thought that vulgar language should be against the law while 49% did not; are we not a house divided?

Our society has settled for ever lower standards of behavior and expression as we spiral towards the depths of depravity. The Muppet Show had a character, Sam the Eagle if memory serves, who was written in as the moral overseer of their make believe society. Sam would get his feathers ruffled and show indignation over the slightest hint of impropriety, a rigidity of character contrasted by the laid back “anything goes" attitude all around him. It was fun watching Sam get all hot and bothered, knowing his efforts were being wasted as he stomped off and huffed. I feel like Sam, standing here on a soap box as the veins of my neck expand, my face turning red as I point out the obvious.

This sounds more like an agenda item that finally got a chance to come out, that perfect moment when the ACLU and a willing oppressed complainant whose constitutional right to swear and cuss in public had been violated by the ever looming police state. The rights of the down trodden must be defended at all cost, even if it means defending the right to sink into levels of perversion to do it. This is the same ACLU who has an endless supply of oppressed homosexuals, oppressed abortion seekers; oh, let’s not forget, oppressed lawyers defending terrorists intent on our destruction. I’m wondering how much we can afford to defend before nothing is left worth defending.

We have the right to wallow in the mire, to cover ourselves in “*”, to walk around and share that “*” at the top of our lungs, to place that “*” on billboards, in movies and television shows or anywhere else. The courts have proclaimed that “*”, “**”, “%#@&” and other “_______” words are not vulgar anymore; they were at one time; but that was before we raised the bar and became a more understanding, a more diverse society. We are the same shining beacon on a hill that our forefathers lived and died for, bright and polished; nothing different, as before our God we stand proud of our accomplishments, pleasing to His ear in every utterance and thought; nothing has changed, “**”!

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