Thursday, November 15, 2007

Give This Guy the Dirty Harry Award

A neighbor, reportedly in his 70’s, observed burglary suspects coming out of his neighbor’s house during the night and grabbed his shotgun. A few minutes later he explained to the police how he’d shot each of them as they tried to escape. So, “What’s wrong with that?” I ask; forgetting the disconnect between the rational society from when I was brought up and the new society which protects the so called rights of the bad guys more than the rights of those trying to preserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Quoting directly from the Houston Chronicle article:

“Texas law allows people to use deadly force to protect their own property to stop an arson, burglary, robbery, theft or criminal mischief at night, or to prevent someone committing such a crime at night from escaping with the property.

But the person using deadly force must believe there is no other way to protect their belongings and must suspect that taking less drastic measures could expose themselves or others to serious danger.

A state senator who authored a law passed this year giving Texans
stronger rights to defend themselves with deadly force said he did not believe the legislation he spearheaded would apply to the Pasadena case, based on the sketchy facts that have emerged so far.

Sen. Jeff Wentworth, a San Antonio Republican, said the so-called
castle doctrine law he wrote doesn't apply to people protecting their neighbors' property. The measure "is not designed to have kind of a 'Law West of the Pecos' mentality or action,"

Wentworth said. "You're supposed to be able to defend your own home, your own family, in your house, your place of business or your motor vehicle."”

Sen. Jeff Wentworth is saying that we should turn our backs on neighbors in need, that burglary suspects, robbers and thieves who are not burglarizing your house, robbing you personally or thieves who haven’t stolen anything from your house must be considered off limits. Sen. Jeff Wentworth needs to smell some of what he’s shoveling.

This is where Dirty Harry would have said, “Well I’m all broken up about the suspect’s rights”, turning away in disgust as the judge and District Attorney explain the finer points of law.

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