Thursday, June 23, 2005

Flag Burning Amendment is Wrong!

I have been letting this issue bounce around in my head now for quite a long time; being undecided as to my expression of thought regarding how to deal with the issue. I have read many articles in the news of late; the most recent being one by Laurie Kellerman of the Associated Press and the other by Ross Kaminsky of

The “straws that broke the camel’s back” as far as being able to discern my own thoughts came to me as I read the two articles; . “Supporters said there was more public support than ever because of emotions following the 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. They said detractors are out of touch with public sentiment.”

I was reading Rossputin’s article ( linked via title bar) on the same issue as he came to the conclusion, “If our country isn't strong enough to handle some idiots burning a flag, what is the point of our Constitutional republic anyway? The only protection our flag needs is protection from legislation.”

I agree with Ross in that there should be no Constitutional amendment regarding flag burning; for the purpose of the Constitution has no place for specific events such as being out of touch with current public sentiment and the emotions tied to singular events such as the terrorist attacks on the United States of America. I will; however, state that there should be stiff legislation presented and passed against such an act; to include a mandate of immediate forfeiture to the rights of citizenship of this country and for expulsion from our borders. Falling short of calling the act of flag burning “an act of treason” and worthy of prison or death; I would have to say that such an act is not compatible with citizenship in this country and works against the necessary felicity required to maintain our mutual respect for one another. Such and act does not fall under the protection of the First Amendment and would more closely be compared to yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater.

Since we have virtually no border enforcement these flag burners can come back via any of the innumerable routes already in existence and so the penalty is without real consequence at this time. If the United States of America is such a rotten place to live; why burn the flag which represents our nation and have a desire to remain here, much less get thrown out and wish to return illegally? The answer would have to be that these folks want to destroy our nation, not repair it. Throw the bums out!

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