Thursday, June 23, 2005

Prisoners being starved to death

Durbin must not keep up with CNN’s reporting of a request by the WFP on behalf of the North Korean people. I thought that Durbin would have jumped all over the fact that 6.5 million prisoners were being starved to death because the United States is only willing to donate a fourth of the needed food that the World Food Program has requested. Never mind the fact that the prisoners are the countrymen of North Korea; never let the facts interfere with a political lambasting of your opposition.

In an article covered by CNN, "Food is a scarce commodity," U.S. Deputy State Department spokesman Adam Ereli said. "When it's a scarce commodity it has a value. And there are those who seek to exploit that value for purposes for which the aid is not intended. And that's why monitoring is so important."

"Meanwhile, 6.5 million innocent North Koreans desperately need food aid. They have nothing to (do) with the polices of their government," he said. "They are in desperate need and the international community should get together and meet those needs."

The United States is responsibe for feeding the people of North Korea with donated grain and other basic food supplies; however, the corrupt dispersal system is exploiting their own with a black market system. Until there is managed oversight to the dispersal of donated food the Bush Administration is reluctant to empower North Korean government officials; a cold hearted slap in the face to any liberal minded humanitarian.

Here is another example of the United States mistreating prisoners, keeping them in a harsh environment while slowly watching them starve to death. The Bush Administration is to blame; holding up the shipment of food simply because the leaders of the North Korean people, a people who “have nothing to (do) with the polices of their government”, have refused to meet at the summit table to discuss their nuclear armament intentions directed toward the United States. Bush has lied about the WMD in other places around the world and is inflicting starvation and death to an entire country because of an unsound policy to defend Americans from yet unproven nuclear weapons. Have we seen any missiles landing in Kansas? Why is Durbin so worried about Gitmo and not saying anything about North Korea being starved into submission? (tic)

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