Thursday, June 23, 2005

Impeach and Remove Justice Monkeys

I've had a chance to review several blogs along with the comment sections and have run across some good ideas, cooler minds prevail and all that. The single most important act that I can accomplish without resorting to violence is to write a letter to my US Senators, send them off and let all my neighbors in on it so that they will do the same. I will furnish them with a copy of my letter that I just sent off to prod them along. I suggest you do the same. I sent this same letter to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison.

June 23, 2005

Honorable John Cornyn
Senator from the Great State of Texas

Senator Cornyn,

This letter is a formal request that you act, in your office as Senator representing the citizens of Texas, to impeach and start proceedings to remove from the Supreme Court of the United States of America all five Justices who voted in favor of removing individual ownership rights in the decision Kelo Vs New London. If you do no act on this in a timely manner I fear that the loss may become permanent and irreversible.

In case you have any doubt as to their names:
Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the majority. He was joined by Justice Anthony Kennedy, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer.

These progressive thinking justices have moved our country a major step toward total socialism where the state controls each and every aspect of our existence. This last decision to abolish the illusion of individual ownership of property; forgive my choice of words as I fully comprehend that the imposition of property taxes precludes any actual permanent ownership and so it becomes a transparent illusion, this adulteration of the eminent domain clause of the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution removes all doubt as to the fact that individual rights have been tossed in the trash can. In its place a new standard of back room political payoffs will take advantage of such a major break through in corruption and greed.

In case you missed the directive, your responsibility is to the citizens and the only acceptable action on your part will be to vocally and actively seek to have these five members of the Supreme Court impeached and removed from their elevated positions.

Thank you for your service

T. F. Stern

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