According to terms of his contract Roger won’t be required to show up at the news conference either. Rumor has it that he will only stand on the mound, a player to be named later will do the actual pitching.

My articles emerge depending on what ever tickles my fancy; hope you enjoy the ride. It started several years ago when one of my op-ed pieces to the Houston Chronicle got butchered; been blogging ever since.
(a) This section does not apply to a noncommissioned security officer.(b) The commission shall recognize, prepare, or administer continuing education programs for license holders, commissioned security officers, and registrants. The commission shall set the minimum number of hours that must be completed and the types of programs that may be
offered.(c) A license holder, commissioned security officer, or registrant must participate in the programs to the extent required by the commission to keep the person's license, commission, or registration. A license holder, commissioned security officer, or registrant shall submit evidence of compliance with the commission's continuing education requirements in a manner prescribed by the commission.